The Catholic Faith Guardian
The Catholic Faith Guardian
This debate will teach us Catholics to debunk anti-Catholic's accusation that the Catholic Church is the "Babylon" and "Whore" in the Book of Revelation.
Pastor: Thank you again brother for accepting my challenge for a debate here in Zoom.
Catholic: You're welcome pastor. I am always ready to defend the true Church.
Pastor: Did you know that the Catholic Church is the one referred to as the "Babylon" and "prostitute woman" in Revelations 17?
Catholic: That is only your crooked understanding of those verses. You just had falsely accused the Catholic Church as the "Babylon" and "prostitute woman", when this Church is responsible for producing the first Christian Bible. By the way, it was the Catholic Church who decided on what books are part of the New Testament. But ironically, you are accusing that Church as the "Babylon" and "prostitute".
The "Babylon" referred to in Revelation 17 is the Pagan Roman Empire, and the "prostitute" or "whore" sitting there is apostate Jerusalem. By the way, Jerusalem was formerly part of the Roman Empire.
You should first know then that the Roman Empire was divided into two periods : the Pagan Roman Empire and the Christian Roman Empire that startes during tuhe reign of Constantine the Great, the first Christ Roman Emperor. Did you know if what place the term "Babylon" is referring to?
Pastor: That "Babylon" is referring to your Catholic Church. The beast!
You're wrong pastor. According to the Bible, the term "Babylon" is referring to Rome, not the Catholic Church. It can be found in 1 Peter 5:13, where Peter wrote from Rome using the code name "Babylon". Thus, the word "Babylon" refers to a place, and not a religion or Church. A place is static in its location, while the Catholic Church religion is dynamic or it can be located in different places. Therefore, your interpretation that the term "Babylon" is referring to the Catholic Church is totally wrong. Because the "Babylon" there is referring to a place, not a religion or church.
Pastor: But the whore or prostitute in Revelation is referring to the Catholic Church
Catholic: You're wrong again pastor. The whore or prostitute in Revelation is not referring to the Catholic Church. If you read Revelation 17:18, the prostitute woman there is referring to a Great City, not a Great Church.
Pastor: If the whore or prostitute woman is not the Catholic Church, then to whom it refers to?
Catholic: According to the Bible, the place which is often called as "whore" or "prostitute" even in the Old Testament time is no other than the City of Jerusalem. Prophet Isaiah said that the City of Jerusalem which was formerly a faithful city, had became like a whore or prostitute (Isaiah 1:21). In the same way, prophet Jeremiah also said that the city of Jerusalem was engaging like a whore due to its lewdness and abominations (Jer. 13:27).
In addition, the prostitute woman mentioned in Revelations 18:24 is the place where prophets were killed. The city where prophets were killed is no other than Jerusalem (Luke 13:34).
It is also mentioned in Revelations 17:6 that the prostitute woman is the place where martyrs were killed. St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr was killed in Jerusalem (Acts 7:58).
In Revelations 11:8, it says that the Great City is the place where the Lord Jesus Christ was killed. Jesus Christ was killed in Jerusalem (Mat.20:18).
Therefore, it is very clear that the whore or prostitute referred to in the Bible is the city of Jerusalem, not the Catholic Church.
Pastor: But in Revelations 17:9, it says that the prostitute woman is sitting on the 7 hills. The city which is built on 7 hills is Rome, the place where the Catholic Church is located.
Catholic: Your interpretation is wrong pastor. We should intepret the verse in its context. It doesn't mean that since Rome is built on a 7 hills, that it is automatically the whore or prostitute. Because there are almost 50 cities around the world that are also built on 7 hills. The city built on 7 hills in Revelation 17:9 is still referring to the city of Jerusalem.
If we will see the Map of Jerusalem, we can notice that it is surrounded by 7 hills, namely: Mt. Antonia Fortress, Mt. Scopus, Mt. Olivet, Mt. Ophel, New Mt. Zion, Mt. Zion, and Mt. of Corruption.
While the Vatican, the place where Popes resided is not located in the 7 hills of Rome. Because Vatican is built in Vatican Hill, which is far from the 7 hills of Rome. By the way, it is in Vatican Hill where Peter was crucified and his remains is buried, which is now erected with the St. Peter's Basilica. Did you know that?
Pastor: (no answer).
But in Revelations 17:4 it is mentioned that the prostitute woman was clothed in purple and scarlet colors. Your priests and bishops also wear purple and scarlet colors. Thus, the prostitute woman is the Catholic Church.
The purple and scarlet mentioned in that verse are the colors usually worn by kings. Because Jerusalem that time was controlled by Kings. While the colors used by Catholic priests is patterned from the Bible (Exodus 28:3-5). The Liturgical colors of the Catholic Church are: black, White, Red, Green, Rose, and Violet. There is no liturgical colors for purple and scarlet.
And if you read the verse completely, it talks that the clothes worn by the prostitute is being adorned with gold, gems and pearls. On the other hand, the vestments worn by Catholic priests and bishops does not have that kind of decorations mentioned in Rev. 17:4. Therefore, your interpretation of that verse is totally wrong.
Pastor: But in that same verse in Rev.17:4 it is mentioned that the prostitute woman is holding a "golden cup". Your priests are also holding a golden cup filled with wine during Mass. Thus, the prostitute woman is the Catholic Church.
Catholic: You missed it again pastor. The "golden cup" mentioned in Rev.17:4 is not a literal cup, and is not even referring to the chalice used by priest during Mass. Because the chalice being used by priests is not made of gold. It doesn't mean that since the chalice is glittering that you immediately think of it as gold. The materials used in chalice are usually brass, silver or ceramic, and is not mixed with gold. If the chalice used by priests is made of gold, then many people would attempt to steal those things. Therefore, your opinion is totally wrong again, pastor.
Pastor: Okay brother. It seems that my interpretations in the Book of Revelations are indeed wrong. We will just see each other again here in Zoom.
Catholic: Okay, pastor. Take care.