Cat Training
Cats are smarter than dogs. The anatomy of a cat's brain is very similar to that of the human brain, while the anatomy of a dog's brain is not very similar to that of the human brain. According to the website, the anatomy of a cat's brain is ninety-nine percent similar to that of the human brain.Cats and humans have the same areas of the brain that are responsible for controlling emotions. Animal intelligence depends on the ratio of brain mass to body mass and on the anatomy of the brain. An adult cat's brain weighs about 1% of its body weight, while an adult human's brain weighs about 2% of its body weight. The brain to body weight ratio is higher in cats than in dogs. The cat has a large and very developed brain hemisphere, typical of intelligent creatures.The cerebellum is well developed in the cat brain. Cats are used in scientific research. The biochemistry of behavior, memory, and emotions can be studied by stimulating or destroying specific areas of a cat's brain. Cats can distinguish complex shapes. Cats can distinguish complex geometric shapes such as triangles, circles and squares.Cats can distinguish the letter shapes in the alphabet of different languages. Cats can also distinguish colors. Cats are used in vision research because they have more vision-related nerve cells in their brains than humans and all other mammals. Cats have also been used in sleep studies. Cats and humans have the same types of sleep stages that have similar wave patterns.Cats dream in deep sleep, just like humans. Kittens begin dreaming at two weeks of age. Like humans, cats have light and dark sleep phases. The cat behaves like a human child. Many books on cat behavior can be found at Many books on cat behavior, Cat Behavior Handbook, Domestic Cat Behavior Biology, Domestic Cat Behavior, and Collins Cat and Kitten Behavior can be found at more information about cats visit the website The cats have emotions and feelings like human beings. Cats think and take decisions like human beings.Some indoor cats are jealous of other animals kept in the same household. Every cat has a different personality, just like humans. There are cats whose psyche is shy, cheeky, obedient, stubborn, calm, mischievous, courageous and mischievous. Cats do very well on psychomatic tests.
Cats have excellent observation skills. Cats demonstrate a significant ability to learn through observation and experience. Cats' powers of observation are greater than those of any other pet. Cats' memories are more precise than those of other animals. Like humans, cats have long-term and short-term memories.Cats have excellent memories. The knowledge a cat acquires through observation, trial and error stays with him throughout his life. According to a study by the University of Michigan and the Department of Animal Behavior at the American Museum of Natural History in the United States, cats' memory is about two hundred times better than that of dogs. It has been proven that cats' memory is superior to that of monkeys and chimpanzees. For more information about cat intelligence, visit and the Animal Planet website at to the Animal Planet channel website at, a cat never forgets in life. Cats retain information learned through observation throughout their lives.Cats adapt easily to changing circumstances because they remember what they have learned and then adapt their experiences to different new situations as they arise. Cats learn through observation, imitation, trial and error, just like humans. Cats have emotions and feelings just like humans. Cats think and make decisions like humans. Cats try to stay clean.Cats are the cleanest animals in nature. Cats spend about 30% of their lives grooming themselves. Cats clean themselves with saliva. Cats bathe their babies about twenty times a day. Cats are the most skilled hunters of all animals.Cats are excellent swimmers. Cats are social animals, just like people. Just like people, cats have different personalities. Cats are the most independent animals ever. A domestic cat responds to speech and appears to enjoy the company of humans.Cats communicate using body language, facial expressions, table gestures, head, eyes, ears, tail, scent glands, paw tapping, saliva and various vocal sounds. Cat body language is expressed through more than sixty gestures. Cat language is universal. For example, dilated pupils in a cat's eyes indicate fear, while partially closed eyes indicate relaxation. A rabid cat has small pupils.