On The Forms And The True Purpose Of Castration: Part 1

in #castration4 years ago


Physical castration

The earliest records for intentional physical castration are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BC.1 In those ancient times physical castration often involved the complete removal of the genitals. Less extreme forms of physical castration in the case of men involved cutting away just the scrotum while leaving the penis attached. Today physical castration is still being performed in some societies around the world, although it mostly involves partial castration. For example, there are still countries and cultures where the penises of boys are being circumcised or split open in ritualistic sub-incision. In the case of women, their clitorises are being cut away and labia are sewn together. Chemical castration also became a possibility, where the genitals are deactivated using pharmaceutical drugs.

On the surface, the reason for why all these forms of physical castration exist appears to be to prevent the castrated individuals from satisfying their sexual desires. 2 It's basically an extreme way of enforcing sexual suppression and repression. But as we'll see later, there's a deeper underlying and occult purpose for castration.

The current general trend worldwide appears to be that any form of physical castration is increasingly considered to be barbaric; however, other non-physical forms of castration are becoming the norm. This is similar to what happened with the more extreme forms of slavery. While the more extreme forms of slavery have officially and supposedly been "abolished" decades ago in most parts of the world, in reality what happened is that we just made the transition from the obvious in-your-face type of physical slavery to a less obvious form of mental slavery, where most people think that they're free when in fact they really aren't; they've just been brainwashed for most of their life to accept the new form of slavery considering it to be a "normal" way of life (for more details on this, check out my post "Statism: A System for your Enslavement").

The same kind of transition is currently underway when it comes to physical castration. While the more extreme forms of physical castration are being phased out and are now considered to be barbaric and against basic human rights, they're simply being replaced by different forms of castration that are less obvious to the victims, but in the final analysis, have the same kind of intended effects on the victims as physical castration.

Mental or psychic castration

Physical castration is one way of preventing an individual from satisfying their sexual desires -- an extreme and potentially permanent way at that. However, if you want to prevent an individual from using their genitals to satisfy their sexual desires, then you don't necessarily have to physically remove, mutilate or disable their genitals. You can prevent them from using their genitals in other ways, for example, by mentally preventing them from doing so. This can be done by instilling fear into them or feelings of shame or guilt. You make them believe that they are only allowed to satisfy their sexual desires when certain conditions are met. As long as those conditions aren't met, they aren't allowed to use their genitals to satisfy their sexual desires, and are thus effectively castrated.

Again, as mentioned earlier above, the relation between physical and mental castration is comparable to the relation between physical and mental slavery. Just like in the case of mental slavery, where people are brainwashed to accept subjugation and toiling for the ruling class, so too, in the case of mental castration, are people brainwashed to stay away from their genitals and ignore their sexual desires -- all while thinking it's "normal".

There are many ways in which this can be accomplished, but fundamentally any belief promoting sexual suppression or repression leads to mental castration. It's easier to explain this by discussing a few examples.

Children growing up with (often religious) parents who teach them not to touch or play with their genitals because it is "dirty", "evil" and "sinful," are being mentally programmed to be afraid of their sexuality. Even while their genitals aren't cut off, mutilated or disabled in any way, they're still unlikely to be using them in an erotic way because of the fear of getting caught and being punished. They may also feel that they're doing something wrong and are being immoral, which will cause feelings of shame and guilt. This keeps them sexually suppressed to a certain degree which can be more or less extreme depending on how much fear, shame and/or guilt is instilled into them.

Young women who are taught that they should remain virgins for as long as possible to be worthy of a man, and not be considered "cheap," a "whore" or a "slut," are also brainwashed to stay away from their genitals and prevented from satisfying their sexual desires. In many societies around the world, both men and women are being programmed from early childhood to believe that they are not allowed to use their genitals for sexual gratification, unless they follow what society or "culture" deems to be the correct procedure for doing so. And following the correct procedure often means having to satisfy certain requirements and following the rules -- written ("laws") and unwritten ("cultural traditions") -- laid out in society. This can include having to be above a certain minimum age, achieving a certain amount of wealth or social status, playing elaborate dating and courting games, and in extreme cases staying a virgin and having to get married before you're allowed to satisfy your sexual desires. People who believe that they should only have exclusive relationships, such as marriage, where monogamy is often expected or required by society, also severely limit their options for satisfying their sexual desires and thus are castrated to a certain degree.

As long as the above examples of sexual suppression and repression brainwash prevent an individual from freely satisfying their sexual desires, they are effectively mentally castrated.

Social castration

An individual not having been physically castrated, and their mind also being free from cultural brainwash leading to mental castration, can still be affected by social castration. In this case, they're being prevented from satisfying their sexual desires due to circumstances in their social environment.

For example, your genitals may be healthy and intact, and your mind may be free from sexual suppression brainwash, but it will still be difficult for you to satisfy your sexual desires if you can't easily find someone in your environment with whom you can do so. While you might be unrepressed, most people in your environment might still be very much sexually repressed. This means that it will still remain very difficult for you to satisfy your sexual desires in a natural and healthy way, which in turn means that, effectively, you're castrated to a certain degree.

Of course, social castration is less extreme compared to physical and mental castration; the problem then mainly exists outside in the individual's environment. But it has the same kind of effects on the individual as the other forms of castration, albeit probably to a lesser degree.

Purpose of castration

We've seen that there are a variety of ways in which an individual can be prevented from using their genitals for sexual gratification, or in other words, that there are a variety of ways in which an individual can be castrated. And depending on the methods used, there can be varying degrees of castration.

Whenever an individual is being limited or prevented from freely satisfying their sexual desires in a natural and healthy way we can speak of castration. The degree to which an individual is castrated is inversely related to how easily they're able to satisfy their sexual desires.

It's easy to derive that the purpose of castration is to prevent an individual from using their genitals for sexual gratification. But why? Why would someone want to prevent an individual from satisfying their sexual desires? The answer to that question is simply to turn them into (better or more ideal) slaves. And we can find clues pointing to this all the way back to ancient times.

For example, castrated men -- eunuchs -- were "particularly used to staff bureaucracies and palace households"; in other words, castrated men were particularly used for positions in government, and there was a reason for that as we find on Wikipedia:

Eunuchs would usually be servants or slaves who had been castrated in order to make them reliable servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence.5 Seemingly lowly domestic functions — such as making the ruler's bed, bathing him, cutting his hair, carrying him in his litter, or even relaying messages — could in theory give a eunuch "the ruler's ear" and impart de facto power on the formally humble but trusted servant. Similar instances are reflected in the humble origins and etymology of many high offices.

So castrated men were considered to be more reliable slaves. It's also very important to understand that, because of their reliability, these castrated slaves were very expensive and in high demand:

"The Caliphate in Baghdad at the beginning of the 10th Century had 7,000 black eunuchs and 4,000 white eunuchs in his palace."132 The Arab slave trade typically dealt in the sale of castrated male slaves. Black boys at the age of eight to twelve had their scrotum and penis completely amputated. Reportedly, about two of three boys died, but those who survived drew high prices.133

The question that undoubtedly comes to mind is, why was a castrated slave considered to be more reliable? Why would a slave trader risk losing two out of three slaves just to create one more reliable castrated slave? The answer to this question lies in the understanding of the true purpose of sexual suppression and repression.

The ultimate purpose of castration is mental manipulation or mind control for the purpose of creating ideal slaves. It's no wonder that the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which did a lot of trauma-based mind control experiments, was so interested in circumcision a few decades ago.4 Castration leads to severe mental trauma;3 it breaks an individual's free will and ability to reason, has a severely negative impact on their intellect, and causes them to become docile and submissive. Both Dr. Sigmund Freud, a brilliant neurologist and psychoanalyst, as well as one of his best pupils, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, eventually came to this conclusion during their research:

In my sex-counseling centers, it became clear to me that the suppression of child and adolescent sexuality had the function of making it easier for parents to insist on blind obedience from their children. In the earliest beginnings of economic patriarchy, the sexuality of children and adolescents was combatted by means of direct castration or genital mutilation in one form or another. Later, psychic castration through the inculcation of sexual anxiety and guilt feeling became the customary means. Sexual suppression has the function of making man amenable to authority, just as the castration of stallions and bulls has the function of producing willing draft animals. No one had thought about the devastating consequences of psychic castration, and no one can predict how human society will cope with them. Freud later confirmed the relation between sexual suppression and the attitude of submissiveness, after I had brought the issue to a head in my publications. [cite]Wilhelm Reich[/cite]

This is why, in most societies around the world today, every individual is exposed to sexual suppression starting from early childhood when they haven’t even gotten a chance to build any defenses against it. They’re being mentally castrated, without having even the slightest chance of realizing what's being done to them, and by the time they grow older their will has been completely broken in most cases, having been transformed into ideal slaves ready to obey and serve the ruling class. Physical castration had the same purpose; like Robert Anton Wilson explained:

Geldings [castrated male horses], any farmer will tell you, are easier to control than stallions. The first governments, which were frankly slave-states, inculcated sexual repression for precisely this reason. [...] A governor, we can safely say, has less problems in enforcing obedience if his subjects are mystical, religious and frightened of sex.

Perhaps now it may also be easier to understand why the Judeo-Christian god, in Genesis 17:11-12, through Abraham, required his slaves to undergo circumcision as part of his covenant with them:

You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskin to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and you. Throughout your generations, every male among you is to be circumcised at eight days old ​— ​every male born in your household or purchased from any foreigner and not your offspring.

The "sign of the covenant" had the purpose of preventing the child from experiencing erotic pleasure from touching their genitals; the extremely traumatic experience caused by circumcision would discourage them to do so, 2 thus keeping them sexually suppressed almost as soon as they're born, resulting in more reliable and submissive adult slaves for god.5 And this was definitely not a first; we've seen before that this god was constantly coming up with new ways to keep his slaves sexually suppressed in order to keep them obedient.

Imagine what kind of effect mental castration has on a child reaching the age of "puberty," when their genitals reach a certain level of maturity, and they're being confronted with their bodies' increased demands for sexual gratification. It's no wonder that in most sexually repressed societies around the world children begin to exhibit difficult and rebellious behavior during "puberty." Their difficult behavior is no doubt a consequence of the internal pressure and conflict caused by suppressing their constantly nagging sexual desires. It's during this period of their life that they're being submitted to the ultimate test: subduing and breaking their own will in the form of their strong sexual desires in favor of obeying the demands of their social environment.

Considering that children usually reach "puberty" between the ages of 11 and 13, they have to struggle for almost 6 years until they reach the "age of consent" when they're allowed by most societies to (legally) have intercourse (assuming other rules in society don't prevent them from easily doing so). If you can get a person to disobey their own strong sexual desires in favor of your demands for that long, you've essentially succeeded in beating them into submission. It's also a form of self-betrayal and results in the person losing a great deal of self-respect; and people who lack self-respect can easily be abused. So by the time these children reach adulthood they're ready to join the rest of the slave workforce of the State and be abused for most of their life.

This happens at great cost to the children as they suffer a great degree of often irreparable mental trauma in the process, which they will have to deal with for the rest of their life. For example, due to the mental damage caused starting from early childhood, these children may go on to develop perverse sexual desires,6 in extreme cases resulting in the kind of people that we currently have in the LGBT movement:

Due to sexual suppression, children aren’t allowed to — and in most cases can’t — develop their sexuality in a free, natural and self-regulated manner and as a negative consequence of that develop very perverted sexual preferences and warped ideas about (their) sexuality. This is the root cause of people developing paraphilia, such as sexual attraction to the same sex (homosexuality), a primary sexual preference for children (pedophilia) or for animals (zoophilia), and people developing warped ideas about (their own) sexuality (gender dysphoria; transgenders).

All kinds of personality disorders also come into play, and especially women go on to develop the very irrational, unpredictable, unstable and emotional behavior that they've become known for. Remember, castration does a lot of damage to "the portions of the victim’s brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions."3 Not surprisingly, the elite are now hard at work to normalize all of these adverse effects of castration, even to the point of convincing the victims that they should be proud of being mentally ill.

Depending on the specific circumstances and environment, some children might be able to relieve themselves of some of the internal pressure caused by unfulfilled sexual desires by masturbating or secretly having intercourse, and this no doubt results in their becoming less than ideal slaves for the State. This is why, for example, masturbation is often also off limits (especially in religion) as it interferes with the process of creating docile slaves and this is why it was combatted through physical castration. 2 But unfortunately it's quite impossible for anybody to escape being castrated in one form or another, to a lesser or greater degree, in our current societies around the world.

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