A new addition to my collection of old-as-dirt cast iron! (I'm in love!)

in #castiron7 years ago

Got a new toy today to add to my collection of gate-marked cast iron!

This baby is over 100 years old!

I have been wanting a cast iron waffle iron since FOREVER! There are no modern ones available that are made in the US. The made-in-China ones look cheap and not great...
My best bet was getting a super old one. They tend to be pricey, but I found an auction for this baby on facebook, and no one but ME placed a bid, so I got a great deal!


I cannot wait to make waffles on this baby!

Old as dirt, just the way I like it, and bonus, it has the same style handle as my collection of fancy handle skillets and griddles!
You'd better believe tomorrow's breakfast will be WAFFLES!


So how about it?! How many of you out there have ditched the toxic teflon-coated waffle makers in favor of cast iron?


Thanks for reading! ♥

*badges courtesy of @daddykirbs



Who’s jealous? This two thumbed girl right here!! I’d be havin’ waffles for a week, and I’d be squeelin’ the whole time! Sweet find, congrats!

Thanks!! I was super excited, (and still am!)
I have to admit, I want to make them every day! I am restraining myself though... We have made them twice so far. My husband had to try it out over the weekend, and I am happy to say... MINE CAME OUT BETTER! Booyah!
But, in all fairness, I have had more practice with cast iron, and have an easier time using the cast iron pans in general... ;)

Yeah, I'd booyah too if I ever cooked anything better than my husband. He doesn't cook often, but when he does, it's delish! He's got game in the kitchen!

Haha I know what you mean! My husband doesnt cook that often either, but when he does, you can bet it is fancy and delicious! And he loves to rub it in my face when he makes something better than me, which is almost every time... LOL!

Fancy you! It looks wonderful and I bet the waffle will be amazing!
So far I have two cast iron: One dutch oven and one grill...loving them :-)

Thanks, I feel fancy! ;)
Can't wait to try it out!
I have more cast iron than I care to admit to. Started out with cheapo stuff from Kmart, then moved on to more expensive modern Lodge, then old Lodge, and now my obsession with ancient pans. I love the idea that someone in the 1800's used this pan, and all the history that it has been through! Not to mention that if it has lasted over 100 years, it is unlikely that I can ruin it. ;)

A dutch oven is definitely on my list!

And I cant get rid of any!
But it's okay, I have an excuse. I am leaving them to my kids, and I will have three families through them to eventually to give pans to, so I need them ALL.

We have a stainless pot for heating water, but all of skillets are cast iron inherited from my mother. They are well seasoned.

Nice! I bet you have some neat old pieces too!
I think handed down cast iron is very special!
Unfortunately, I dont have any, my mother does not want to part with a single pan, and if she did, she would probably give it to my sister... but that's okay. I am amassing my own collection of special pans and my children shall not want for cast iron when they get older. ;)

Lucky!!!! This is on my list! What are you going to use to keep it from sticking or is it very well seasoned?

I got really lucky! Usually I can't afford these, but for whatever reason, no one was bidding on this one. Good timing I guess, cause it is a really nice piece!
The person I bought it from had stripped it down and given it a couple coats of seasoning, so it has some, but will need more.
I generally cook with lard or butter, so it will season up with use quickly, I think.
(I hope so anyway!)
If it needs more help, Ill use lard and season it in the oven, I suppose.

Me neither! I only have one antique piece because they are so darn expensive! But completely worth it, they just don't make em like that anymore... Do you know what brand it is? I love seeing all the different versions too

That is so true, they do not make them like that anymore!
I am not sure, but after some searching, I found an ad for an almost identical piece for sale, (one size smaller), and they say maybe Atlanta Stove Works...
(Mine was only $30, so I think I got a good deal!)
Cool old pan for sale
Hard finding much info on these super old pans, especially when they dont have a lot of markings...

Interesting I've never even heard of them, then again I'm looking more at the griswold era. These seem to be older

Yes, these are much older...
There was a learning curve, but I made waffles this morning! Once I got it figured out, it was not hard. P1050248.jpg

Oh good, glad you posted a picture of the finished waffles. I just stumbled on this post, 4 months late, but loved reading about your super find!

I LOVE this old waffle iron and we use it on a regular basis. I love the idea that it was around that long ago, and the history it has seen... :)

oh my gosh that's so cool looking!!

Haha thanks! I think so too!

Oh my word! I need one of these in my life! I'm going to be checking my local flea market! I'm so jealous!

Good luck! I dont know if it is my area or what, but I cant seem to find any good iron locally. I have bought most of mine from people on cast iron auction groups on facebook. If you are on there, it is a good place to browse. Only downside is shipping... Its all done via paypal, so if someone tried to scam you, you would get a refund. (Ive never had a bad experience though.)
Iron Man Cast Iron Auctions and Black Iron Cast Iron Sales are two good groups.

That is amazing!!! I want one!! I bet those waffles will be delicious! I have all my grandmother's old cast iron and I use it daily. Here is a post I made some time ago about a skillet and lid I literally found on a gravel bar. https://steemit.com/homesteadersonline/@hethur240/seasoning-my-finders-keepers-cast-iron-skillet-and-lid

How cool! I can't imagine just finding one abandoned! How fun to clean it up and use it! ♥
I love that about cast iron, doesnt matter how bad it is, most of the time, you can clean it up and have it better than new. :D

So cool! Can you use it on a stove top or do you heat it up in an oven first? I cant wait to see how it works! We always use cast iron for all our cooking save for the times when i need a huge stainless tock pot...

I just got done using it and it is fantastic! :D
I used it right on the stovetop. Being a low base iron, it is close enough to the burner to get good and hot. P1050248.jpg

Oh my gosh I have got to get one of those! Did you season it first?
Would make a good post on how you used it ! Do you keep it on the burner the whole time?

I didn't even know there was such a thing! Awesome score and I'm already envious of the results...

I am aware that cast iron has become very popular once again. We have just one cast iron frying pan. I can just barely lift it. Perhaps if I had been practicing all my life, that wouldn't be a problem now. Ha ha! Enjoy that heavy stuff while you're young enough to handle it!!

Haha thanks! The newer pans ARE heavy! If you can find the old, late 1800's pans, they were made much lighter and are easier to use. They are my absolute faves!

Oooh, good to know!

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