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RE: Back to the Barracuda Project, for better or worse
This looks like it's coming along nicely.
I wish you could look at the brakes on my car. I went for an oil change at Sullivan tire and they told me one of my brakes is messed up and also tried to sell me new tires. I really hate being at the mercy of mechanics.
I am certainly not a master mechanic, but i am sure 'messed up' is not a technical term...what exactly does that even mean? If you want to send me some pics of the so called messed up brakes, i might be able to see if something looks amiss. (text or email, not here...i don't get on here very regularly) The issue of tires is a whole other ballpark. I always think i need new tires but never want to spend the money. (also sullivan is where i went for my barracuda tires and i had to keep sending them back in to get matching tires! they brought out 3 different sizes!!)
Well they actually said one of my brake pads has "popped off." They wanted to charge $35 for a brake inspection, which amount they would have deducted if I used them to do any subsequent work.
If there was something dangerously wrong I probably would have paid them to do it, but the charge for inspection left a bad taste in my mouth. I can take it to Meineke (who put the brakes on) and I know they won't charge just to look. Problem is finding the time when I'm gone 7 AM to 7 PM mon-fri for work.
ah, yes...scheduling is a pain! Popping a brake pad back on shouldn't be too hard or involved. (says the girl who spent 3 hours getting nowhere with her brake pads! lol)
So you think a jack-stand and a couple of wrenches and I'm set?
haha. yes, as long as you're hitting the right parts with those wrenches! ;)