Hard Starting Car, Yet No Check Engine Light?? I Was Killing My Starter! (1996+ Fuel Injection Vehicles)
No More Grinding the Starter, My Wife Found Our Solution on the Internet!
What Can I Say, My Kitty is Cute!
You've Already Made Sure:
- All Fuel/Engine related sensors are working
- You're getting spark to all cylinders
- Your spark plugs are clean/gapped properly
- Your spark plugs are the correct type
- Everything should be working fine
Yet It Still Has a Hard Time Starting? Try This!
- Put your key in the ignition and turn it until it hits the starter spring, the point where you have to turn hard to engage the starter.
- Leave the key in that position for 2 FULL seconds and turn the key to the off position.
- Turn the key to the on, almost starting position, leave it on for 2 FULL seconds and then turn it off. (be gentle)
- Repeat step 3 4 more times.
- The seventh time, turn the key to the almost starting position, wait 1 FULL second and then start the car. Chances are good, it'll fire right up. :)
"So, this worked for me! Why???"
It's a fuel system, check valve or pump issue. Most(?) fuel injected cars have a valve in the fuel system somewhere, a valve which keeps the system pressurized when the engine is off.
Either the valve is not working properly, or the pump is allowing the pressure to drop (fuel flowing back into the tank). Either way, the starter grinding is from lack of fuel.
When you turn the key on, the fuel pump should start up. In many cars you can hear or feel it, if it's quiet enough outside/inside the car. Turning it on and off and on again, pressurizes the system with fuel. When you try the seventh time, the fuel system is usally working properly.
Hope This Saves a Starter or Two!
Constantly grinding on the starter is hard on the starter, the electrical system and the flywheel. Mis-starts with backfires can cause damage.
So, next time you come across a hard starting car, with a clear check engine light, give the fuel system trick a try. :)