Stuck in a dead end ______?

Hello Lovely SteemPuffs!

Here's something I've been sharing with a few of my best friends when they were stuck in certain situations not knowing how to make a decision.

I hope you find the power and strength to claim your BEST life with this word:


Actually three "NO's" to be exact.

Fear of hearing the word "NO" can be paralyzing.

Today I have a different set of "NO's" for you.

i) KNOW your Non-Negotiables

What are the Non-Negotiable items concerning your future job or significant other?

If you know commuting 3 hours each way will make you miserable, why put yourself through that in the first place?
Sacrificing time, sleep and other things are often necessary in order to trigger a big change in our lives, however playing the perpetual martyr for the "greater good" can be exhausting. Is it worth it? What are the pro's and cons? Are there any other options? Weigh everything out and don't be afraid to draw a line of how much you can do realistically.

Same with relationships. Example: If you HATE cigarette smoke why would you ever date a smoker??? Because that person can "change" with your help and guidance? Because they promised you they could quit anytime? No go. Save yourself the trouble, drama and tears. Vice Versa too btw, if you're an avid smoker and don't plan on quitting until you're dead (RIP) why go through all the heartache of trying to survive a relationship with someone who abhors cigarette smoke?? Or Animals, or Ugly Sweaters? Idk I ran out of examples. (jk) You get the point. Some things may be a hard pass for you, and some things you maybe willing to compromise on.

Be honest with yourself. Knowing the Non-Negotiable items for your life and not being afraid to state them will save you from a lot of heartache and worry.

ii) KNOW your Self Worth
This one is a big deal.

This is your foundation. Whether you believe in God or not, religious or not, Atheist, Agnostic and everything in between.

It's so extremely important for each and everyone of you to know your self worth. To know that your self worth as a human being on the face of this Earth has nothing to do with where you came from, what you look like, who you are, who you know, how much money, houses, yachts, cars, clothing and shoes you have, what label you wear, your family, how many friends you have or likes and views on Facebook.

You are valuable and important simply because you exist.
You are a walking miracle.


There are more than thousands of origin stories and scientific theories of how we as human beings came to be and yet our existence is still quite mysterious. We don't really know 100%, we only have strong hunches...

Nonetheless that says a lot. Treasure yourself. Cherish your life. Whatever you may believe, whatever others may choose to believe, all human lives are precious and sacred, treat others as such and treat yourself as such.

Just don't get too big headed on me, passing me by and not saying hi or nothing! (Lol Just Joking)

iii) Know your Value

Yeah... So isn't this the same thing as knowing your self worth?


Your self worth is about knowing your overall value as human being yada yada

Knowing your value is about knowing what you bring to the table.

What are your skills, talents and strengths?
What are you good at?
What do you bring to a relationship, or to a job, or a team?

When you know your value, you won't ever allow yourself to be undersold- at least not for very long.
Even if you're making minimum wage working at McDonald's, if you know your value you'll be constantly shooting for the stars, searching for a way to upgrade your life:

First starting out washing lettuce.... then BOOM onto the fries!!
OH YEAH!!! #lifegoals

hehe ^^ just kidding of course. Next step CEO am I right? Lol.

Anyways, I've been in extremely frustrating situations when someone just didn't treat me the way I wanted to be treated, be it a friend, family member or other person who I sought love and affection from, or in a job that doesn't recognize my value, or a class where the teacher doesn't get my intelligence (or sense of humor @_@ )

When you try over and over again seeking love, respect, kindness, affection, attention or just plain empathy and compassion and don't receive it, it's devastating and makes you want to pull a turtle and revert back in to Lonely Man's Shell Island. I have been there many many many times.

These three "No's" are the start of being able to build confidence and self esteem no matter what happens to you in life, even if you lose all you have (Which I have several times) and this brand new confidence has extremely little to do with how you look, who you know or what you have (or don't have.)

It will help you shine from within and maybe even give you the courage to ask for higher pay, a raise, ask that hot person on a date, start a business, or pursue a dream that you never thought you would.

Love Ya's! Mean It!

Three Most important “No’s”.jpg

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