Career Probiotics
What are probiotics?
They are microorganisms many affirm provide health benefits when consumed. So, how does that relate to a woman’s professional future? Probably not much; however, what if there were small subtle concepts you could ingest and incorporate which lead to a healthier, more robust career much as probiotics aid in your wellbeing? Would you be interested?
As a consultant, strategic coach, leadership facilitator, and author, I am making such a claim. So, what are some?
Eliminate Hidden Hooks: Listen to yourself, peruse your emails particularly when you’re upset or don’t like or are in a disagreement with someone. Have you buried a mean comment that is consciously or unconsciously intended to sting or point fingers? That’s a weak approach. It doesn’t attest to a leadership attitude, and indeed it doesn’t have people going out of their way to support you. Keep in mind, being a team player in your company is a crucial quality for those who reach the top. Taking potshots may seem justified; it doesn’t provide a strong foundation for constructing a career of merit.
An Inside Out Perspective: It doesn’t seem fair or accurate, yet its factual, confidence counts for a lot in business. Research has revealed self-assurance trumps ability! Expand your intrepid foundation by:
- Making a practice of catching yourself doing good,
- Stop criticizing yourself (Would you be as harsh to someone you respect?),
- Recognizing and celebrating your wins,
- Committing to continuous improvement—not as a put-down rather as a build-up, and
- Checking out your body language (What is it saying?)
Developing your confidence level internally and then, externally revealing it is the simplest, and most powerful action you can take to build your career.
Do Away With Proving: Too often your reaction to idea blockades is to either argue or defend your position. Both are the weakest of all responses. Instead, hold steady, stand tall, ask clarifying questions—not a Sherlock Holmes-like boxing someone into a corner line of attack—and then, actively listen to elicit a broader awareness of their standpoint before commenting. The reality is the more you understand someone else, the more powerful a dialogue you can generate; and because you took time to listen, the more they will trust you, which aids in bringing about insight for both parties. A shift from proving to listening is a leadership characteristic—one you want as part of your arsenal to advance your future.
Boxed-In Thinking: You may surmise your best-bet for winning in today’s tumultuous corporate environment is to concede your line of reasoning as controversial issues come to the forefront. Such an attitude may serve you short-term. Unfortunately, it won't shake anything up nor add value to the decision-making process. With commerce identifying their top priority as innovative-thought, you will be limiting your career by not voicing ideas to trigger a broadening of viewpoints. Obediently hunkering-down in your assigned corporate box is rarely warranted. It may feel safe, but it doesn't demonstrate leadership.
What tactical shift are you planning on making to improve the health of your career? Don’t waste time, implement the concept that most resonates with you and your desire to be the best!
I'd love to hear what you've taken on. Much success,
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