OpenMic Trading Card: Chapters Just Begun by @darrenclaxton
Chapters Just Begun (original)
by @darrenclaxton

A long long time ago
my boiling blood would flow
straight into my head
It caused me oh such shame
and other peoples pain
my constant feelings strained*
I've flaws that you can see
and others I can feel
but most of them are gone
most of all I'm me
the only one I'll be
refreshing constantly
Just take me by the sea
let me tell you stories
of how I used to be
lead me down the road
of tales left untold
and chapters just begun
chapters just begun
years and years rolled by
I sat and wondered why
where it all went wrong
the patience that I found
had pinned me to the ground
my tempers almost gone
Just take me by the sea
let me tell you stories
of how I used to be
lead me down the road
of tales left untold
and chapters just begun
chapters just begun
A long long time ago
my boiling blood would flow
straight into my head
It caused me oh such shame
and other peoples pain
my constant feelings strained
I've flaws that you can see
and others I can feel
but most of them are gone
most of all I'm me
the only one I'll be
refreshing constantly
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