Weekly Card Reading is up... a bit late :-( by Suunscape

in #cardreading6 years ago

Sunscape's Weekly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

    Energy Oracle

    by Sandra Anne Taylor

    I will be sharing the information on each card according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook that accompanies the deck, along with my own intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Guidance Card 1

N0. 12 - The Temple Path

Spiritual Purpose and Support

When you receive this card in a reading it represents your own spiritual evolution. The winding path you are on leads to a blessed temple in a lovey garden, symbolizing the spiritual destiny your soul has had in mind for this lifetime. This card is here to tell you that what you are going through now is all part of your soul's process. You are on your Karmic path and heading in the right direction, and the choices you make now are important for you personal growth and life lessons.

The lights around the temple represent the spirit worlds - your family members and friends, angels and guides - all the loving spirit helpers who long to assist you. Call upon them and be open to their wisdom and inspiration.

This is a wonderful, life-expanding time, so keep in mind your personal priorities as well as your spiritual connection. Following your higher intentions will help you move your life forward in dramatic ways, and connecting with spirit - and your higher self - will have a wonderful influence on all that you experience.


"I open my heart to my spiritual truth and a deeper connection with spirit. Guidance and inspiration come freely and easily to me."

Guidance Card 2

No. 5 - Attachment

Perceived need and the Choice to let go

This card comes to you today to reveal that your passage forward is being stopped by strong attachments to old patterns or people from the past. The chain at your wrist is bolted to fear from the past or desperation about the future. Although you may wear the mask of pretense or even contentment, you simply can't seem to go forward.

The stuff that's keeping you stuck could be physical addictions, emotional patterns, or even old relationships. Are you living in fear; addicted to old, unhealthy habits; or so desperate about the future that you can't be happy now? If so, the chains that bind you could be of your own making. The Attachment card is telling you that it's time to take the action you need to break out of you chains and move forward to an open, free, healthy, and authentically happy life.

It may take some courage and effort to let go, but know that you are capable of doing it. Until you do, the difficult energy will just repeat itself, keeping you stuck. Fear not!


"I release attachment and choose peace. I am strong, free, and able to choose what honors me."

Guidance Card 3

No. 48 - Angel of Balance

Being Centered & Self-Honoring
in Your Choices

This loving presence holds a pitcher of liquid light in front of the pyramids, reminding you that a strong destiny relies on a solid foundation of personal balance and emotional equanimity. Although things may have been out of sync in the past, this card is telling you that a greater equilibrium is now coming to your life.

Remain conscious about how you are balancing your goals and your physical and emotional energy as well. Whenever you feel yourself getting off center or losing focus, call upon this beautiful angel and bring her intention into your heart center. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction, and the angel will guide you to a peaceful and centered approach.


"I live a balanced and centered life. As I care for myself, the Universe cares for me also."

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations


beautiful post

Every time I read your card it is incredible how identified I feel. Thanks for sharing this with us. Happy and blessed day

you are welcome sweetie. Have a fun day

had to be 3... and BOY was that spot on, taking a moment to chill out before I throw myself into my next task for the day, I shot out like a cannon this morning... balance dayle... balance <3

OMG! Me too! I just sat down since 5 a.m. I felt like I was a whirlwind. lol It is the energy today... Fun!

haha! gotta love that "where did the day go!" thought - hoping today is the same for you @sunscape <3!

This is my first time to pick a card, but it's really sounds great and interesting.

Well I am glad you enjoyed your first time picking a card. I do them every week. ;-)

this has seemed so entertaining and successful :o

Glad to see you enjoyed it @merryslamb

ah you know this is my favorite post of yours @sunscape keep posting this cuz i love to read my card every week. today mine was card 2 hmm.. I'm still thinking about how I feel about that. Blessings

Yeah that can be a tough one to get. We all have the attachments it is just a matter of seeing what is circulating right in front of us at this time. It could be a very simple habit or thought pattern that keeps us from elevating on our journeys. No worries you will notice it if you contemplate on it. Love and light to you.

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