Cardona misunderstood Reagan.
(Ronald Reagan) --
the nine most terrifying words in the English language... "we're from the government, and we're here to help!"
(Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, speaking non-ironically, with a proud smile on his face)...
"as President Reagan said, I'm from the government and I'm here to help!"
Cardona actually does not know that Reagan was MOCKING government when he said those famous words. Cardona believes those words were a COMPLIMENT to government, which in his present position means a compliment to HIMSELF. That explains his smug little smile as he said it, taking credit for his share of the "help" government gives.
Cardona had that gotcha look, as if he had just taken a famously conservative quote and cleverly turned it back against the evil right wingers. Cardona believes he embarrassed the right with his deft inversion of the quote.
He is apparently too dumb to know who SHOULD be embarrassed...
... which is of course himself.