Cardano Receives a B- Weiss Rating - Tops Bitcoin
Weiss Ratings is an independent organization that provides high quality, unbiased information on the safety and risk of investment securities of various kinds and organizations mainly in the financial services, insurance and credit industries but of course is not limited to just these.
The information provided Weiss Ratings can be viewed as a reliable source of information that can be used to help guide investment decisions for the average investor.
The Ratings that are provided by Weiss Investment Ratings are comparable to “buy,” “sell” and “hold” ratings based on their various criteria and can help minimize you risk when investing.
Recently Weiss Ratings conducted an indepth analysis of a handful of cryptocurrencies, becoming the first investment analyst firm to assess the security, risk and safety of some of the top cryptocurrencies.
Only a small number of cryptocurrencies received even a B rating as the space is still so new and unknown. However, based on the research and analysis that was performed by Weiss Ratings, Cardanao (ADA) received a B- Rating topping Bitcoin who came in with a C rating.
Now this doesn't necessarily mean that Cardano is a better investment in Bitcoin, especially in a short term setting, but you could make the conclusion utilizing this grading system along with your own research that Cardano could be a better long term play as Cardano starts to advance and hit more milestones with their projects.
Cardano or ADA as it's known, is an open source Blockchain project similar to Ethereum but claims to offer more robust capabilities and faster processing, while also having a comparable store of value function to Bitcoin and accomplishes this all in one coin. If you believe that ADA could deliver on its promises in this regard, it makes ADA a very appealing coin to keep your eye on.
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