Today Price of Cardano at 2018/8/19
Today, the price of Cardano has been +1.61%.
Details below:
Key | Value | Remarks |
Coin Name | Cardano | ADA |
Rank | No.9 | Base on Market Cap |
Price in USD | $0.101 | - |
Price in BTC | 0 BTC | - |
24-Hours Volume in USD | $51,452,943.458 | - |
Market Cap in USD | $2,620,095,486 | - |
Available Supply | 25,927,070,538 | - |
Total Supply | 31,112,483,745 | - |
Max Supply | 45,000,000,000 | - |
Change in 1-Hour | +0.91% | - |
Change in 24-Hours | +1.61% | - |
Change in 7-Days | -10.63% | - |
Updated at 2018/8/19 19:56:57