What is the Carbon12 Vision
What is the Carbon12 Vision:
Carbon12 is a digital currency intended for continuous exchange between Christians, so 1 regardless of what is happening on the planet, devotees can in any case execute. The motivation behind Carbon12 is make an equal economy in which Christians lead the improvement of a money that is totally exceptional. The progressive use instances of Carbon12 will lay out another technique for decentralized exchanges for devotees on a worldwide scale, while utilizing the aggregate two monetary force of 2.38 billion Christians, with a definitive objective of drawing in a billion additional devotees to the Kingdom. Since forever ago, Christians have made fundamental commitments to innovation and science. The adherents actuated the shift from geocentrism to heliocentrism, found the electron, fostered the print machine, and added to the unification of power and attraction. Notwithstanding, since the computerized unrest, Christians have continued on the edges of development, adjusting to changes in the mechanical scene as opposed to kicking off something new. We mean to recuperate the mechanical age through Carbon12, carrying Christians into the universe of digital forms of money and renewing its effect on culture.
Following the case of the witness Paul who utilized the streets worked by the Roman Empire to spread the gospel, we will involve innovative advances and decentralized money to lay out Christ as the foundation of the approaching metaverse. Paul was what we would think about an ambitious evangelist; he pushed for new proselytes and assets to fabricate existing places of worship and lay out new plants. His service was not conceived out of the current church, however he utilized his association with social business to help the wellbeing and development of the congregation from an external perspective. As we read in Ephesians 4, "He makes the entire body fit together flawlessly. As each part does whatever its might want to do claim exceptional work, he assists different parts with developing, so the entire body is sound and developing and brimming with adoration." The organizers behind Carbon12 accept that it is the extraordinary work of business visionaries to accept the responsibility of teacher work - to utilize their gifts, abilities and assets to spread the gospel in new fields, in this way piping more assets and consequently new adherents into holy places. Carbon12 isn't simply one more cryptographic money, it is the new hold cash for devotees all over the planet. the world. An exchange strategy can't be interfered with or subverted by power, guaranteeing that Christians won't ever be barred from exchange, regardless of whether they are prohibited from culture.
Pioneers behind Carbon12
The four organizers behind Carbon12 are a group of committed supporters of Christ. have decided commit the best of your work and funds to advance the realm of God with regards to your organization, Forum12. The Lord gave them a dream for their lives and for their work: a dream of greatness that would require the main products of each new gift. these many years, The multi-generational vision begins with Carbon12.
Forum12 individuals are additionally significant financial backers and investors in Gravity Jack, one of The most seasoned PC vision and expanded reality organizations in the United States. They are the holders of a solid patent portfolio and the designers of Carbon12. Gravity Jack innovation is authorized from significant Fortune 500 organizations including Samsung, Coca-Cola, Dell, Toyota, T-Mobile, Caterpillar, Ford, Mondelez, Kraft, Heinz and Sumitomo.
While the four organizers at first comprehended that this vision would be imaginative and the molding of culture, the worldwide reaction to COVID, the ongoing idea of concentrated banking, the inescapability of oversight and the ensuing segregation of specific gatherings have expanded the criticalness of the vision and uncovered the squeezing need for a decentralized and equal framework economy among common religious and free-thinking bunches the same.
Carbon12 provide solution
•How would we increment offerings to houses of worship while diminishing exchange costs and disposing of hazard of misfortune?
•How would we, as Christians, make an equal economy that isn't a survivor of mediation?
by concentrated power?
•How might we guarantee that Christians can keep on partaking in the economy assuming they are prohibited customary exchange, keeping up with the wellbeing of conventional money.
3 trade?
•How would we develop and join existing Christian places of worship, and plant new ones?
chapels in a disruptive culture?
•How might we deal with the favors that God has given to his kin and fabricate his Kingdom?
•Carbon12 and its utilization cases answer these inquiries and that's only the tip of the iceberg.