Procedures of Fardhu Prayer 5 Full Time With His Movement

in #carashalat7 years ago

Procedures of Fardhu Prayer 5 Full Time With His Movement.

So Prayer is descripted not only by singing a Surah or a Prayer, but by understanding, believing, communicating begging full of solemnity to God Almighty
Read Also: The Definition of Prayer: The Prologue, Objective And Legal Basis
Hopefully this post can lead us all into Ridho Allah Subhanallahuwataala. and more and less I ask for help from my brothers and sisters.
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  1. Standing Upright Movement for Salat
    Standing erroneously in the prayer of law is obligatory. Standing tall is one of the pillars of prayer. This attitude has been done since before takbiratul ihram. How to do it is as follows. 1. The position of the body must be perpendicular and not bent, unless sick. 2. Meeting hands on the side of the body. 3. Legs stretched, widest shoulder width apart. 4. All toes facing Qiblah. 5. The view is straight to the place of prostration. 6. Body position facing Qibla. However, if you do not know the direction of the Qiblah, it can be faced in any direction. Origin in the heart still intend to face the Qiblah.
  2. Movement of Lifting Both Hands
    Sedekap done after raising the hand takbiratulihram. The way is as follows. a. The palm of the right hand is placed on the left wrist, not clasped. b. Put your hands on the chest. May also put it above the navel. May also put it under the navel. When folded, the first prayer to read is a prayer iftitah. After finished iftitah, then read the letter Al Fatihah. After reading the letter of Al Fatihah, then read short letters such as Al Ikhlas, Al 'Asr, and An Nasr.
    Miscellaneous Prayers Iftitah - Video Explanation
    The Reading is below:

ALLAAHU AKBAR KABIIRAA WAL HAMDU LILLAAHI KATSIIRAA WASUBHAANALLAAHI BUKRATAW WAASHIILAA. God is Great, Most Perfect His Greatness. Praise be to Allah, Praise the Most. And Glory to God All Through the Morning And The Night.
WAJJAHTU WAJHIYA LILLADZII FATHARAS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARDHA HANIIFAM MUSLIMAW WAMAA ANA MINAL MUSYRIKIIN. I Faced My Face To The Substance Who Created The Sky And Earth With Full Sincerity And Resignation And I Am Not Including The Pagan.
INNA SHALAATII WANUSUKII WAMAHYAAYA WAMAMAATII LILLAAHIRABBIL 'AALAMIIN. Truly my Sahalat, My Worship, My Life And My Death Everything To God, Ruler of the Universe.
LAW SHARIIKA AGAIN WA WAZAALIKA UMIRTU WA ANA MINAL MUSLIMIIN. No Allies For Him And With That I Was Committed And I Am Including The Muslims.

BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHIIM. In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful More the Most Merciful.
AL HAMDU LILLAAHI RABBIL 'AALAMIIN. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
ARRAHMAANIR RAHIIM. The Most Merciful More the Most Merciful.
MAALIKIYAUMIDDIIN. Lord of the Day of Judgment.
IYYAAKA NA'BUDU WAIYYAAKA NASTA'IINU. It is Only To You that I Worship And Only To You I Ask For Help.
SHIRAATHAL LADZIINA AN'AMTA 'ALAIHIM GHAIRIL MAGHDHUUBI' ALAIHIM WALADHDHAALLIIN. AAMIIN. That is the Way of the People You Have Given Favors, Not The Way The People You Are Murkai And Not The Path Of The Misguided.
Read Ayat At Al-Quran it is highly recommended to read the short letters in Juz Amma.

  1. Movement Rukuk In Prayer

Rukuk means bowing. As for how to do it is as follows. 1. Raise your hand while uttering the takbir. The same way as takbiratulihram. 2. Lower the body to a bent position. 3. Both hands clutching knees. Not holding a calf or thigh. The fingers are stretched. The position of the hand is straight, the elbow is not bent. 4. Your back and head are parallel. Your back and head are in a horizontal position. Not too downward. Nor did it upward. 5. Legs are perpendicular, knees are not bent. 6. Waist is stretched from the thigh. 7. A straight view to the place of prostration. After this position is steady, then read one of the prayer bow.
As for the following Rukuk readings:
R U K U '

SUBHAANA RABBIYAL 'ADZIIMI WA BIHAMDIH. - 3 x Glorify my Lord Most Glorious And With His Praise.

  1. Iktidal Movement in Prayer

Iktidal is rising from the bow. The position of the body back upright. When it is raised, it is raised like a hand when takbiratulihram. At the same time read the phrase "sami'allahu liman hamidah". Body back upright. Hand tight to the side of the body. There is also a return to the position of arms as well as reading the letter Al Fatihah. This difference occurs because of the different meanings of hadith dalilnya. Whereas the theorem used the same. However, the scholar's jumhur agrees that when the iktidal keeps a tight hand beside the body.
After the body stands erect, then read one of the iktidal prayers.

SAMI'ALLAAHU LIMAN HAMIDAH. May Allah Hear (Receive) the Praise of the Praiser Him (And Repay).


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