CAR & TRUCK FIRES Can be Prevented Affordably ASE-AFED Auto Fire Extinguisher
Don't Be a Statistic - Be Safe - Be Prepared with our ASE-AFED AUTO-TRUCK-BOAT ENGINE FIRE EXTINGUISHER
Unique to the Auto Truck Boat Engine Industry
Able to arrest any A, B, C or E Type Fires immediately within 20 seconds.
One ( 1 ) unit able to cover a 1 cubic meter area.
Retail Price US$29.95 each
VEHICLE ENGINE FIRE EXTINGUISHER - able to place on any Truck or Automobile or Boat.
Guaranteed to put out any Engine / Electrical Fire in the Engine compartment within 20 seconds.
No need to worry about burnt hands - loss of property.
Able to place multiple units inside Diesel Trucks or any other Diesel Power Generator to arrest a Fire immediately.
Also able to be used in a safe or luggage compartment.
3 Year Shelf Life.
Installable in Seconds - no special training required.
SPECIAL STEEMIT OFFER ONLY US$19.95 each including Shipping Minimum 4 units ordered
See More on Youtube Video
We are an international manufacturer of Affordable Fire Rescue & Safety Equipment with offices located in St. Louis, Missouri USA and Guangzhou, China specializing in Fire Rescue & Safety Equipment, such as; Fire Escape Smoke Hoods, Fire Blankets, Gas Masks, CHEM-BIO, Gas Fire Escape Smoke Hoods, CBRN, SCBA's, Fire Escape Ropes, Escape Ladders, Fireman's Suits.
Providing solutions for Governments, Military, Fire, First Responders, Rescue Authorities and PPE Personal Protective Equipment for Individuals WORLD WIDE.
We supply the NBA in USA / The US Air Force / Australian Air Force / The Philippine Navy / The CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency ) Exxon-Mobile / Shell Oil / NASA / The United Nations / Nestle / FEDEX / Dow Chemical / Samsung Electronics and 1000's of others World Wide.
We look forward to becoming Partners in Saving Lives
Robert Coleman, CEO
C Y Holding Company Ltd
Guangzhou, PRC China
86-13710770524 Direct Line 24 / 7
86-13538895080 International Direct Mobile Number
C Y Holding Company Ltd
St. Louis, Missouri USA
1-888-892-1828 Toll Free
1-636-244-1791 Fax
SKYPE ID: aussieinchina22
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]