Alita Battle Angel Surprised Me...Captain Marvel Confuses Me
Alita Battle Angel was a surprisingly great film. I didn't like Avatar but James Cameron and Alex Rodriguez did a superb job in making this manga a living breathing character on the big screen. This is fantastic news for anime fans...Recently we have been enjoying a series of manga based movies over the years and I have high hopes for the future because the manga/anime library is rich, extensive, and full of incredible stories and character development. That's what makes movies interesting.
There is an interesting competition that has come about between Alita and Captain Marvel. The movies are being released within a relatively similar time and those with a bad taste in their brain from the garbage coming out of Brie Larson's mouth along with the movies strange tone and confusing target audience (women??) are left to take a gamble on Alita. I have made a spicy little video about it and included a very basic comparison between Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman's characters. Who knew Wonder Woman would be successful, especially with DC's continued fumble of movies, Aquaman excluded cuz that movie was ....surprisingly not bad.
What is Disney/Marvel's agenda with this movie? Why can't they just release it and let it bomb or succeed? This is the most bizarre and negative PR and marketing for any Marvel movie yet. Are Disney/Marvel's hands tied? Possibly. Imagine if they came out before the movie even debuts and criticize their lead actress. The strange thing is that she is getting paid $5 million dollars for her first appearance in a bland looking movie while the man responsible for winning the hearts of this generation and making mainstream audiences take superhero movies seriously received a nice but much smaller $500k for his first movie. Robert Downey Jr. was the perfect actor, at the right time in history, with a stellar performance. He has made Iron Man the spotlight in the entire franchise and feels like the main character of it all.
Brie has already divided her audience by ostracizing "40 year old white men" creating negative press. Rotten Tomatoes has changed their site by eliminating the low early reviews. The damage has been done. If the movie bombs it would be a drop in the bucket for the Mickey Mouse Empire but the fact remains....Brie is signed on for 7 more movies...Buckle up. We will see where this goes! Its so interesting because a couple hundred million dollars are on the line pending Brie's recurring appearance in future Marvel movies.