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RE: Missing: the Ayn Rand heroic Capitalists in the Voluntaryist Movement?

Actually you are equating Ayn Rand, the cult figure with objectivism, a philosophy that is either valid or not. If Objectivism is not valid, you are fine. But if it is a valid philosophy and you reject it you could be suffering in life. It’s like natural law: if you reject the fact there is a cliff in front of you the law won’t care if you walk off the cliff. It exists. Ayn Rand did not invent Objectivism. It’s been around for centuries and its metaphysics is Aristotelian.


Objectivism is indeed either valid or not. Its proponents are open to criticism, and abstract ideas not put into practice have no value on their own. What can we do now to transcend the status quo? That is the question.