Capitalism vs Socialism

in #capitalism8 years ago

Conor Mcgregor the Capitalist -

Works hard, fights hard, takes on as many fights as he can driven by money while at the same time providing fans with regular excellent entertainment which is where the fans derive their benefit, motivation, inspiration from to follow in his footsteps or strive for greatness in other fields. The fans derive their benefit from the entertainment.

Conor Mcgregor the Socialist -

You earn't too much money that fight and you are earning way too much compared to your fans, therefore you should give a lot of your money to your fans because you should be grateful your fans watch you.
You are deriving benefit from entertaining your fans with all your hard work and risk taking that you should give your fans some money because now you are just being greedy! You don't deserve to keep that money and you don't need all that money anyway. There are plenty of other people out there that need it more than you and have better uses for your money so you are going to be forced to give them a lot of your money, in turn diminishing your desire and future fighters desire to fight as often and work as hard because as the risk/reward ratio falls.

The metaphor here is the Socialists belief that if you don't give poor people money, stolen from rich people then they won't be able to consume the rich persons/companies goods or services or become great themselves. However consumers' demand is not what allows a company/entrepreneur to supply the goods and services. The companies supply allows consumers to demand/consume the goods and services.

People derive benefit in a capitalist economy by having ample supply of goods and services which drives down the price and costs of living, increasing demand for workers and improving standards of living.

For example, the population get massive benefit in many forms from the invention of iphones, tv's, computers and many other forms of technology. The benefit is not from taking from entrepreneurs and just giving to the poor in the form of money, it is through quality of life and standard of living.

The fans demand doesn't ensure that we can watch fighters like McGregor. Conor McGregor supplying his skills, labor, blood, sweat and time in order to become great allows fans to consume/watch and be entertained by him. This is no doubt driven by his desire to be the greatest fighter but also by his desire to be wealthy. If you steal much of that wealth you are disincentivising him and future fighters to take the risks and go through all that is needed to get to that level.

This might sound like a "silly" analogy and people will likely laugh it off...but it is the exact reason for the middle class struggling from paycheck to paycheck these days if they even have a job at all. It will only get worse.


Socialism is a pipe dream. In a perfect world it could be great but we have to many assholes. Unicorns are great too but they also not based in reality

True capitalism/voluntarism is perfect and can still deal with the assholes.

It isnt perfect when undistorted.

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