RE: Is Social Democracy Socialism?
This is probably here nor there but capitalism as you define it could have only been implemented via an amoral secular order. One of the first things I said online was the ruling elite went on a debauched free for all once they really grokked that there was no consequence to immoral actions--and arguably this is what they've done if one takes serious every manner of pollution and the sixth mass extinction brought on by the Anthropocene.
It's obvious to me that these misanthropic control freaks are trying to manage their mayhem via the new smart grid city-states and doing it under the guise of eco-modernism, but it's hubris mixed with ignorance. One example is the constant west coasts fires every year now from PH.D.'s turning old growth eco-systems into corporate tree farms--they're not the same thing and all these academics did was kill the immune system of the forest--the foot of moist undergrowth that once existed on the forest floor.
Anyway, I don't see these archons changing any time soon and it appears there is no god, or gods, angels, aliens, individuals, or groups of individuals that can stop them. IOW's, we're fucked! The question is will they fuck themselves in the end? And my bet is yes they will.
My only other comment here is you left out one of the most important aspects of the capitalist machine and that is the worldwide system of usury they set-up. Nomi Prin recently confirmed the theme of my website documenting how the bankers rewarded themselves with trillions over the last ten years while they enforce austerity on 80% of the world.