Happy Ladies
Hey everyone!
Check out Paris! (That’s her name, yes I name them all. 😂) She’s getting ready to flower FINALLY and I’m really hoping she gets enough time to finish before the frost really starts hitting hard.
She, and a couple like her, popped up after I had wandered around the garden in the spring casting seeds like some demented pot fairy.
Thankfully and miraculously all my plants were female, though they were just collected seeds I had from friends and years previous.
Very happy with Paris and I hope you’ll send us good weather vibes so she can finish her cycle of life and then bring me joy all winter!!
Thanks for checking it out!! 💚
Nice! You could just get a frost cover. And maybe they will all turn a beautiful purple!
Thanks!!! Yea, I've had to cover them off and on for a few weeks, I'm afraid they might not get enough time to mature before the deep chill sets in! But hopefully!! :]