HAPPY 420! - OR - Why I LOVE Ganja? Because it CURES CANCER

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Please take some time right now and watch this video!

20 Studies proving Canabis cures cancer


NOW YEARS after first watching this video and making my own cannabis extracts, essential oils and tinctures, I feel I have a firm grasp of the issues involved.

In the USA, Opiates are the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH and what this tells me is that the Western drug companies have been colluding with governments around the world for the last 100 years to see that YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO this GOD GIVEN SUBSTITUTE FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING.

Meanwhile, they collect BILLIONS off the backs of the suffering masses.

US National Cancer Institute (NCI) Admits Cannabis Kills Tumors

Cannabis has been demonized as a gateway drug for more than 80 years. Now, in a stunning, though quiet, feat of acknowledgment, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) has admitted that cannabis kills cancer cells without harming normal cells.

The alternative media has been reporting on the medicinal benefits of marijuana for years. Multiple independent studies have found that marijuana can kick a host of health problems to the curb, including everything from lyme disease to tumors. See links in article URL below.



HAPPY 420 sir,this is the reason you have a such great fan base,awesome blog post sir.

to protect cancer its really great,many people died due to cancer,its really great news for people

The disease preventive plant is around us.Example:Canabis

CureYourOwnCancer.org was established with 3 main goals in mind:

-First, to spread awareness that cannabis oil is a safe, natural treatment for cancer.

-Second, to provide you with the information on cannabis oil you will need to help you decide how you want to treat yourself or someone you love.

-Third, is to help you become a natural cancer treatment advocate. CYOC strives to provide you with information about treating cancer naturally with cannabis oil, diet changes, exercise and other lifestyle changes.

So if you or someone you know is afflicted with this terrible and completely unnecessary disease, you're in the right place. Unfortunately because of laws prohibiting the medical use of cannabis all across the world, we are unable to offer cannabis oil to you. We are very sorry for that, but that is why we are doing this. We are working to get cannabis legalized so that everyone can have access to this amazing medicine. Cannabis is a plant that GOD has placed on earth for us to use. No man has the right to take it from us, so we will continue to fight for this until we get our RIGHT back! Today alone approximately 20,000 people worldwide will die due to cancer. Help us end the suffering.


VERY NICE comment and info!
Thanks mon!


Friends Don't Let Friends Do Chemo...

Thank you very much for link.

Yes im always growing cannabis and it grows so well here! Ill have nice pictures of my harvest and post them for all of wafrica and artzone to enjoy so the African Steemians can get into the idea that it should be legalized so they can also see how much money dispensaries can raise for good programs etc etc

Oh, yes, if the Cannabis cures cancer, then it will be a breakthrough in medicine! At present, there is huge evidence that cannabis is really capable of helping a person and curing it of many cancers! There is a prospect in his treatment of glioma (a tumor of the supporting cells of the nervous system), breast cancer, thyroid cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. Effective in diabetes, psoriasis, etc. The main ingredient contained in cannabis leaves no traces of chemistry, but can stop the spread of various forms of aggressive cancer, scientists from around the world have already confirmed. The first studies on the cancer-fighting properties of cannabis were presented by the American Association for Cancer Research in Los Angeles back in 2007. These reports showed that THC cannabis can activate biological pathways to stop the creation of cancer cells and block the blood vessels that nourish the tumor. It is interesting that the positive effect also appeared in the treatment of schizophrenia! An interesting story of American biochemist Denis Hill, who himself was cured of prostate cancer using an extract of hemp oil. In California, cannabis is legal, so if you get a prescription, pharmacies release it. Developments are being conducted in Italy, Spain, Germany, etc. In the Czech Republic there are already two pharmacies of cannabis, though, while in the form of ointments, the cancerous compounds on the way out. The SETH group in California, which includes prominent experts to explore new methods for treating cancer, documented the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on glioblastoma cells (brain tumors). It turned out that each of the two cannabinoids kills diseased cells without harming the healthy. Spontaneous apoptosis does not have a harmful effect on the human body and is an ideal way of universal treatment of most types of cancer. Thank you @surfyogi

Cannabis may help nine of the most common symptoms of cancer and cancer treatments, the most remarkable thing about the herb is its anti-cancer properties.

The ability of cannabis compounds to successfully kill cancer and tumor cells is currently a major area of investigation for biopharmaceutical companies and research institutions.

In laboratory and animal models, both THC and CBD have been found to trigger cell death, halt proliferation, and prevent the spread of cancer cells. They have also been found to block blood vessel formation in tumor cells, essentially starving the growths.

In a 2017 proof of concept study conducted by GW Pharmaceuticals, 21 patients with a severe and aggressive form of brain cancer (recurrent glioblastoma multiforme) were treated with a cannabis-based medicine.

Patients treated with the cannabis-based medicine had an 83 percent chance of surviving at least one year. Those treated with the placebo only had a 53 percent one-year survival rate.

Similarly, those treated with the cannabis-based medicine had a median survival rate of 550 days, while that number was only 369 days for the placebo group.

While this research is preliminary, many medical cannabis patients opt to take high doses of medical cannabis oil in an effort to take advantage of some of the anti-cancer properties of cannabis. Though, there is no high-quality scientific evidence to say whether or not this is a good idea.

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in the entire world. The World Health Organization estimates that one out of every six deaths is caused by cancer, equating to 8.8 million global deaths in 2015. Though, fortunately, this number pales to the 32.6 million five-year survivors worldwide. Cancer is truly a condition that affects nearly everyone in some way. That’s a lot of people to leave grasping for more effective, natural treatments. This is why many turn to medical cannabis oil. But, does cannabis cure cancer? Here’s what you need to know about the illicit healing plant.

I have been hearing so much about this plant!!

I think I need to do more research on it. It is illegal in Nigeria so people who are involved in this are always in hiding.

I will definitely watch the video and share with friends and family

Thanks dear.

I am hidden somewhere in this picture


Next year we starting a business with my wife because as I am good at growing that I am at singing

Marijuana and Cancer
Marijuana is the name given to the dried buds and leaves of varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant, which can grow wild in warm and tropical climates throughout the world and be cultivated commercially. It goes by many names, including pot, grass, cannabis, weed, hemp, hash, marihuana, ganja, and dozens of others.

Marijuana has been used in herbal remedies for centuries. Scientists have identified many biologically active components in marijuana. These are called cannabinoids. The two best studied components are the chemicals delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (often referred to as THC), and cannabidiol (CBD). Other cannabinoids are being studied.

At this time, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists marijuana and its cannabinoids as Schedule I controlled substances. This means that they cannot legally be prescribed, possessed, or sold under federal law. Whole or crude marijuana (including marijuana oil or hemp oil) is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for any medical use. But the use of marijuana to treat some medical conditions is legal under state laws in many states.

Dronabinol, a pharmaceutical form of THC, and a man-made cannabinoid drug called nabilone are approved by the FDA to treat some conditions.

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