Nuns who export cannabis to heal the world
The cannabis nuns
Go against all convention
The Sisters of the valley, based in California(USA)
Have been growing marijuana since 2014
And selling it for medicinal purposes
They make balm and ointments
And send Them around the world
Our medicine is medicine, and it is not psychoactive.
they dealing with what actually considered hemp,
but they actually advocate for who plant legalization.
But their habits don't make them nuns:
Despite their appearance, they're aren't really religious
They against religion so they are not religion
Throw their clothes they are showing respect to a plant,
That has been lied about and disrespected for 100 years.
They came about after the occupy movement
With the aim of aiding the sick
And empowering women through work
The Catholics understand what there doing and so the minute
they look beneath the surface they go, there dealing with cancer patients.
They're serious women on a serious mission.
Their religion is nature and their only Messiah: Cannabis