RE: See What I See: The Gales Of November
I have continued to learn and remember, as you have.
I can now offer you this to think about:
We experience duality while we are awake...+ and - thoughts running all the time.
If you fuel your body cleanly (not loaded with stimulants or depressants) and work at staying neutral in your thoughts (not negative or positive...the charge of emotion is what sways this) you will achieve singularity. Like how noise canceling headphones work. The waves cancel each other out.
That’s god consciousness and every timeline that exists opens up to’s then easy to access whatever you want and create the experience you want your life to be.
It’s all in controlling the emotional charge of your thoughts, staying neutral or slightly positive.
If you fall off neutrality in your thoughts, simply think about something (anything) that makes you feel the emotion of happy. That will allow the process of manifestation to continue chugging along and materialize through one synchronicity after another. This will come as thoughts in which a person becomes inspired and charges into taking the correct action as known by their higher self.
If you haven’t seen this, it is worth the time:
Cannabis lets us stay neutral...that’s where its power lies...and why it’s been withheld from the people.
Restores personal power.
It’s a by the moment labour of love to stay neutral.
Then, to charge yourself slightly to the +.
It’s an actual electrical charge.
Neutrality is the goal and if you stay slightly positive than all those things that you want for (in your life on earth) can manifest into your waking reality because you are then using both functions that our human bodies contain: the transmitter and the receiver and you have set your receiving frequency to all those things that either are a direct match or are a close enough match.
The frequency of the planet and of our alpha waves (brain) are both 7.83 hertz. We have a bandwidth that spans basically between 7-10 hertz.
Piped in from source at 7 or 9 Hertz and streaming from source still works...if you stay slightly positive than anything you wish for and that You perceive as being positive will continue its materialization into your “awake” reality.
It does swing both ways.
If you fixate on thoughts that are negative or slightly negative that is what you will create for yourself.
This world has been held in the negative to control the individual god consciousness power that we are all capable of.
Dealing with these emotional distortions and removing their ability to impact our day to day emotions is how we lift ourselves above this control, get into neutrality and change our frequency settings.
I am not speaking figuratively, but literally.
We are on the cusp of a 100 monkey soon as enough of us co-resonate, it will all be understood.
Free energy resides and is harnessable in the neutrality, also.
Major advancements in medicine will be realized.
Keep thinking and for the love of anything worth loving....BE HAPPY And visualize the world you want to live in.
When/if presented with a cataclysm, choose your world. Make the leap and with all the gratitude that you can muster: proclaim “That was a close one! Happy to be here! I am exactly where I belong, in perfect time.”
That’s a big difference than trying to outrun a tsunami fuelled with fear.
Can you feel the difference?
I'm clear about this ;)
So, then you will understand that if you set the charge of your last thoughts before sleep takes you, you can get out ahead of it, create what you desire and return from your travels to a place of positivity; where those desires will be achieved if you listen to the cues the universe throws at you like slow moving baseballs and then, take action ... phew
Including addressing the tobacco thing if that’s what you decide.
Love to you @trayan.
It’s a great conversation that holds the code to unlocking freedom for many.
I thank you for allowing me to organize my thoughts and share In this way. :)
yes, truth!
going to dream space~place...
good night!
glad we did it ;)
Me too. (I apologize for the length of my responses to you. My goal is to share clarity so that others may experience peace.)
Since I’ve had to dose so high with cannabis, I cannot remember what happens in my dream state (unless I take a tolerance break.)
The resistance released from my kundalini in December 2018.
It’s been a wild ride of both liberation and enlightenment.
I have learned to trust the Devine nature of the system and to fix the emotional trauma that my physical body has been subjected to.
It’s a whole process of reconciling how the physical body reacts in auto-pilot mode (mostly based on cultural programming) and emotional distortions versus what my higher self (who’s always accessing source energy) and as such, knows the way (for my body) to exist harmoniously in full power. (This is not unique to me...every soul’s higher self knows the way to guide their physical component).
In practical terms: if I engage in a self defeating action that impacts my physical body, it means that my higher self is showing me that I still have emotional shit to acknowledge and let go.
A perpetual work in progress.
Thank you for the opportunity to share. :)
Now I see better what you mean...
I've been through similar changes / upgrades...
Kundalini awakening is a delicate topic...better to be... slowly and spontaneously...
Well practicing those cleaning /harmonizing techniques surely takes time and adaptation...
It is strong for all of us...
Keep it high, dear lady! :)
Really glad we've met..
Me too.
Not by accident as we’ve just acknowledged. ;)
Very cool to be able to share a close bandwidth.