How do you consume when your sick?
One thing I've noticed is that when I get sick, smoking or vaporizing has always caused me to cough terribly and make the experience nearly unbearable. I still need to do it though, or find another way to consume as an epilepsy patient who uses medical cannabis to treat my ailment. In the past I've usually just suffered through it, and it can prolong being sick. Now that I have a medical card I usually have access to more options than I have in the past.
This time around I had a good stash of RSO I made from my vaped buds. So I've been able to remain symptom free during my "cold" or whatever is wrong with me. I'm hoping it's not bronchitis. I'll probably vape one before bed to help knock me out, which I should probably do soon here.
Pray for me fam, I need your healing energy!
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I boof it.