Some Cannabis To Share

in #cannabislast year



We had our second foray into growing cannabis this year. It’s my 4th time growing altogether but it’s the second time me and my sweetie have grown any.

The first time ended with some really great houseplants but not really anything smokeable. I didn’t do any pruning and they grew inside to lush beautiful beasts.

This time we went outdoor all the way. And grew four little plants as part of our gardening efforts this year. They were quite stunted by the popcorn plants they grew in pots with on the deck but they ended up being really Lovely gems.

And it was quite fruitful. I just decarboxylated the buds and leaves and wow does it ever smell heavenly in here!! Now and for the next several hours I’m making an infused oil. We don’t really smoke weed anymore around here. It’s a nice change after half a lifetime of being chronic. But my sweetie can’t do it anymore and so I abide by her wishes for it not to be around.





That said, I saved a little bud from the tall purple-flowered one and just had a little pipeful of a puff 😉. It tasted awful!! But I really appreciate the speediness of the high compared to the slow crawl of a body stone.

It’s pretty good weed too. I had only a couple puffs and I’m feeling quite zooey. It will be a good sleep tonight.

Turning off the olive/sunflower/cannabis blend for the night. Will fire it up again tomorrow to get the full potent extraction. I always Love the two-day approach whenever I’m infusing oils. Slow and low. Usually I just boil the plant matter in water and oil. This time it’s in a double boiler. A nice shift. Less messy!

So excited for a fresh batch of home grown sacramental medicine.

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