Bloom Box SCROG Update! 17 days of Flowering with Light Dep. Mazar And CBD Critical Cure- Personal Grow.

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Welcome Back Steem Powered Cannabis Lovers!

If your just joining along for this epic experiment, I'll fill you in! This is a grow to last me the long and dark winter and some of next year until hopefully I can grow again, but who knows what will happen in life :) Here is the last update 8 days ago.

Ingredients for this years Cake!

Soil :

  • 66% Cow Field Soil
  • 33% Normal Potting soil
  • Clay Balls instead of Perlite
  • Plagron Soil Additive: 2 handfuls every 20L


  • Bio Grow 4-3-6 (Different country's have different ratios in the shops)
  • Bio Bloom 2-7-4


  • They are now in 70 liter shopping baskets, two plants in each.


I am growing them in a "BloomBox".

If your not sure what this is (a term some mates made up in Spain) its a way of flowering your plants anytime you want to. It takes some dedication as the box is covered at 7pm and opened up at 7am throughout the whole flowering process until harvest. This time im in Norway. I enjoy to grow things and I smoke a lot of cannabis and so its making sense when I can, to grow my own. Here in Norway the prices are extortionate for weed and mostly unless you know a grower, its terrible quality. Also another thing is that there is never enough to go around!

This Bloombox is 2m x 1.7m (ish) and I insulated the floor and walls with 10cm insulation just in-case the summer had freezing temps in the night like last year in May. This year ;like the rest of the world its been scorching hot, and the insulation has helped a lot to retain water. I'm so thankful for this as the stream has run dry and the rain has been not falling!

The Left Side


The nearest corner receives less light but there are some flowers developing, they just about get 4 hours of direct which is a minimum. *I wish I had started flowering them in middle of June!* - Oh well its an experiment, its my first time scrog influence combined with the standard LST and super cropping.


The Right Side



The Middle




I found a pumpkin in the trash of the organic food shop one day, but that was it, half moldy. I took it and cooked the good half and then planted some seeds!

Its been growing some time now and I hope to harvest one or two, even though they were started late.



I don't have much else growing this year as I plan to make a straw-bale garden on the rocky ground here most likely next year as I still have some thing to do more structural before the winter comes, and motivation is low due to heat!

There's some potatoes in buckets that were also from the recycled food, they grew roots in the cupboard so I just planted them with some left over soil. Soil doesn't go far and I live up high so that's why I want to do the straw bale garden, less weight to carry up and very productive "No Dig" gardening.

Want to see some LST??

Whilst taking snaps earlier for this post, I decided it was the last chance that I would get to bend this CBD Critical down. Its a monster, It got transferred from a 20L square pot to a 100L shopping basket and now its very well rooted in.

I took stage shots of the LST so here its is in its glory before the work, I nearly forgot to get the camera, and had done the first one on the left side..



First Side After


The Next Side



These 3 really needed to be tamed!


A Sublimininal Steem Snap


The three after the LST

First Pic has a cricket lighter to give a scale!






As she is now


Dam my internets been so slow im just dying to click the post button! I hope people who refuse contracts can get to have high speed internet in the future!!

Big Love! I need to get out the cabin! ARHG :)


Nice place you have, man! :) And considering you're in Norway, I suppose it's a challenge to go for much sun... but you're doing a good job!
Once when I was visiting my brother in Greece, we started to collect a compost in the backyard's garden and there was a pumpkin thrown inside. His family was amazed by the huge grow and harvest...because the seeds came to live and spreaded around the garden..
We even made them support (like bras) just to hold them under the vine/grapes/... they were too haevy and some of them even fell and splash on the ground surprisingly :)))

Yep its a challange,but thats what makes it fun! I got an apple tree yesterday, but tbinking of it, im not sure of any place with deep enough soil to put it somewhere lol. I love pumpkins,really nice filling food,and if some grow up there then it saves me carrying them home 😂 smashin pumpkins'! Thats a band i belive haha

Haha EXACTLY! :) One small pumpkin fell almost on my head, while chillin in a chair! :)
You can plant the apple tree temporary in a pot, or just build a bed with enough rich soil :)
I dream of a bigger and sunnier garden too... :)
Still happy with mine tho... challenge is fun YEAH! For the last 10 years, I tend to create a small urban eco-system :)
Nature is teaching me :) And I love plants as friends ;)

I was just outside and saw that there is another wild useless tree that another smaller pumpkin plant its growing on, and I realised that if there is a tree already growing there, then I have a chance to put the apple tree there and take the other one away!
Nature is the key , contact with living plants, brings deep joy to our lives!

Good, nature's guidance ;)

Moving to the top man!!!

Plants looking very happy & healthy!

You might be able to stop covering & uncovering at some point when the plants would be naturally flowering outside anyway. I was going to try to light dep some starting middle of July & then let them finish naturally (no dep) starting middle of August but got a little behind & lazy...

Would be interesting to see what would happen to one of them if left out, but don’t do it & blame me if they don’t like it, blame me if it works 😂

Hahaha! Well they are pritty well stuck in there 😂 a net and a metal grid! Im not sure when plants go to flower here, so its an experiment 😂 i had one last year and it never flowered and died in november haha

Nice looking grow - hope it works out for you. When the box is covered is any light able to get in? IF so that is going to be problematic when go to bud. Look forward to your results regardless

All is going good so far, some more direct morning sun light would be a winner but thats not possible 😊
They seem to be flowering ok, but we shall see more in a couple of weeks to get an idea of what the outcome will be 😅 Welcome to Steemit and thanks for dropping by!

cool thanks for posting your details - I was using sodium lights when I did it cost a lot of electric .... had to quit due to major humidity issues I couldn't overcome. Looking forward to a successful grow on your part great job so far!!!

Thanks man! That's a shame about the humidity! Just covered em up and gave a foliar feed .. hope for some rain soon, i just used the last water!

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