Cannabis-Induced Psychosis... REEFER MADNESS is REAL, no matter what the your dealer is telling you.

in #cannabis6 months ago

FROM Psychiatric Times:
Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: A Review July 14, 2017 by Ruby S. Grewal, MD
Tony P. George, MD, FRCPC
Vol 34 No 7
JUST READ IT.. But not while your stoned..

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this is a great page, these people deal EVERYDAY with the real issues brought on by Cannabis. The Truth is, contrary to what the modern political vote seekers are telling you, Mind altering drugs do way more than just mess with your head while your taking them and Pot is one such drug that is being given a free pass. There are a lot of people in Jail today for very violent crimes, there are a lot of relationships and families that have been torn apart because the powers that be wish to use ignore the facts and the results.
"Symptoms of marijuana psychosis are characterized by a loss of touch with reality and include:

Delusions. A delusion is a false belief that a person has in spite of evidence to the contrary. For instance, a person who is delusional may believe they can play the piano when in reality they never have.

Hallucinations. To hallucinate means to experience sounds, feelings, voices, images, and other sensations that are not real. The person experiencing the hallucinations believes they are real. As an example, someone may feel insects crawling on their skin when really there is nothing there at all.

Dissociation/depersonalization. Feeling detached from reality is a common symptom of psychosis. A person may feel unattached from his or her own body, as if they are floating outside of it, or may feel as if people and things around them aren’t real.

Disorganized thoughts. Psychosis can cause a person’s thoughts to be disordered and chaotic. It can trigger persistent and disturbing thoughts as well. Other people may struggle to understand what someone is saying when that person’s thoughts are so disorganized."

Below is a detailed article from Science Direct. This is from 2007, in addition to their summery following the link, the site case studies from well before the 20th century.
"In ‘Du Haschisch et d l'alientation mentale’ J. J. Moreau de Tours (1845) (Moreau, 1973).
"An association between cannabis and psychosis has long been recognized. However, recent advances in the understanding of cannabinoid receptor function have renewed in the association between cannabis and psychosis. In addition to epidemiological studies, there are case reports of psychosis following cannabis use, reports of psychosis in surveys of cannabis users from community samples, and pharmacological studies with various cannabinoid compounds. These data are relevant to an exogenous hypothesis according to which the consumption of cannabinoid compounds is associated with psychotic disorders. We also suggest an endogenous hypothesis according to which brain cannabinoid receptor (CB1) dysfunction may contribute to the pathophysiology of psychosis and/or schizophrenia, and further, that the putative CB1 receptor dysfunction maybe unrelated to the consumption of cannabinoid compounds. These two hypotheses are by no means mutually exclusive, and may in fact interact."

Summary and Conclusions
Cannabinoids can induce acute transient psychotic symptoms or an acute psychosis in some individuals. What makes some individuals vulnerable to cannabinoid‐related psychosis is unclear. Cannabinoids can also exacerbate psychosis in individuals with an established psychotic disorder, and these exacerbations may last beyond the period of intoxication.

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From LIVE Science we have an article from 2012 "How Marijuana May Drive the Brain into Psychosis"

And yet leaders want to mainstream the use an abuse without even so much as a "Slow Down".

How many leaders today were and are users? How many educators and lawyers and librarians and lawmakers and media leaders are an in fact have been users and are now using their positions promote, not only pot but all sorts of intoxication an mind altering dangerous drugs ?

How many political leaders are against guns but are not against the alcohol industry and big pharma which bring the shooter the mind to do his or her horrible actions?

While this article shows some possible positive effects of some parts of the compounds in pot, they also declare that
"Previous research has found that THC can induce symptoms of psychosis in healthy people and worsen psychotic symptoms in people already experiencing them. Long-term cannabis use is also associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia, according to the study."

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Here we have a news event from January 2024 in USA TODAY

She stabbed a man 108 times and got probation. What to know about 'cannabis-induced psychosis.'

"The most common symptoms of psychosis, regardless of cause, are delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there). Others include paranoia, confused speech, lack of motivation, anxiety, sleep disruption and unusual or overly intense ideas. Although some psychotic symptoms overlap with those of being “high,” Levy said it’s important to focus on their magnitude to differentiate them from a typical drug-induced experience."

Here we have another medical article stating " Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge

"Alex Berenson, author of Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence, pointed out that the New York Times had curiously removed from an article about the #Uvalde school shooter a former coworker’s recollection that he complained about his grandmother not letting him smoke weed. The Times didn’t append a correction to the story as it might be expected to do when fixing a factual inaccuracy.......

Assuming the elided detail was accurate, it would fit a pattern. Mass shooters at Rep. Gabby Giffords’s constituent meeting in Tucson, Ariz. (2011), a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. (2012), the #Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla. (2016), the First Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas (2017), and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (2018), were reported to be marijuana users. It could be a coincidence, but increasing evidence suggests a connection.
But can pot make people violent? A study last year found that young people with such mood disorders as depression who were also addicted to pot were 3.2 times more likely to commit self-harm and die of homicide—often after initiating violence—than those who weren’t. A meta-analysis found the risk of perpetrating violence was more than twice as high for young adults who used marijuana. It’s possible that pot can trigger dangerous behavior in youths who may be predisposed to it for other reasons such as prenatal exposure to drugs. Also worrisome, legalization seems to be leading to more pregnant women using pot. About 20% of pregnant young women in California tested positive for marijuana in 2016. THC crosses the placenta and can impair neurological development. Prenatal exposure to marijuana has been linked to behavioral problems, mental illness and lower academic achievement in children and adolescents.

Maybe it’s time that lawmakers and voters rethink their pot-legalization experiment before more young lives are damaged."


There is a serious link between Cannabis and mental illness. Sometime it is the cause and sometimes it is a trigger of an underlying problem. The reality is however that for the most part it is being ignored for tax revenue and political votes
There were way to many articles to put on this post but I hope this helps get folks talking and being honest with each other. Oh its just a little weed or I only ........


OH and just in case your still to high to grasp the problem is an article from 1972
"Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis abusers"

And here is the US government PUBMED link that brought me to it.

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