Making Cannacaps with a Pill Stuffer & Syringe
@Drutter and I made homemade cannacaps out of just coconut oil, shake/trim, and vegan capsules!

First, we separated the trim into kif

After decarbing (activating) the kif by heating it in coconut oil on low, we sucked up the liquid with syringe while it was still warm.
Next, we loaded the capsule bottoms into a pill stuffer and dispensed the liquid into the caps and popped the tops on.
The capsules are liquid at room tempurature and then turn solid once they've been in the fridge. Storing them in the fridge is best, because sometimes liquid capsules "sweat" (release moisture). For faster absorption in the body, take out of the fridge and let the cap get to room temperature before consuming.
This was a fun milestone for us. We look forward to infusing oils, making edibles, cannacaps, and much more in the future. The caps had a head-stone in large doses, but small doses had very nice, effective body stone and symptoms relief.
Great job everybody. Extracts of cannabis are some of the most important medicines known to mankind!
Congrats on the milestone @Drutter and @MediKatie! Sure livin' up to the name :) #medicate
yes everybody should learn these medicine skills, or bookmark posts like this at least :))
Caramba asombroso ese gran trabajo,espero mantenga buena salud,saludos
Muchas gracias, @petrarodriguez :) Estan muy medicinales. Me alegro que puedo hacerlos en casa ahora porque estan muy caros y no vegetarianos a la tienda. Salud tambien :)
This was another big moment for us in our "soil to oil" strategy! Now we can turn trim, shake, sugar leaf, and other forms of bud into medicated capsules. By processing it first into kief, it removes most unwanted plant matter, concentrating the cannabinoids so that a small portion contains a significant dose. (I'll do a post on the kiefing process soon.)
These capsules (vegan, nice!) would also be a good way to consume whole plant cannabis oil (like Rick Simpson oil), either with or without coconut oil to help absorption.