in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

This easy to make Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil is based on the well known chromatographic chart below.



Min. .5 oz ground Cannabis (best with a mix of flowers and trim)
225ML Coconut Oil, 250F Meat Thermometer
A Temperature Controlled Crockpot, A large Pyrex Pie dish or Stainless Steel Bowl,
Basket Type Coffee Filter, or other preferred straining device.

How To

Set Crockpot to 250F. Once a stable temp is attained, reduce temp to 245F pour and stir entire quantity of Cannabis into preheated Coconut Oil and simmer maintaining 245F for 27 minutes. Stir frequently. Then remove from heat and pour Coconut Oil/ Cannabis mix onto the Pie Plate. Let stand for 3-4 minutes. Strain, refrigerate. Save the “grounds” to make paste and other medicine using the resulting raw plant material soaked coconut oil.


While the simmering temp is 245F, the preheat temp is 250F, as I speculated a drop in temp when the Cannabis is poured in. Also be absolutely certain your Cannabis is really dry. At 250F there was a little foam up when placed into the hot oil, but I could see where undried Dry Goods could be a problem, especially if temps were higher than measured. Don't let the Coconut Oil exceed appox. 270F at any time, as there begins to be discoloration at around 280, and smoke at around 300F. If you have a temp controlled crockpot, and can measure the actual temperatures, this should not be a concern.

The concept behind this is to produce a quick, reliable, reproducible, method for a potent Coconut Oil Infusion based on a precise decarboxylation method. Consistent medicine requires fairly precise adherence to known time/temp profiles. Referencing the chart, I decided on the 252/30 minute profile, allowing for some continued conversion by shortening it a bit. I did the process in about an hour, however it could very leisurely, and carefully done by less experienced people in 2 hrs.

Recommended Dose: .25 teaspoon, 1-10x as needed per day, condition depending. If your starting material has about 20% THC-A, the resulting Infusion will contain approx 12mg Delta-9 THC per dose using ratios above. I`ve been making this medicine for 4 plus years and have given it to a number of friends and acquaintances, my dog, my cats, even a horse …. no lie! It has a very strong fragrance of whatever strain is used, and terpenes very well preserved, as can you tell by the smell. It can be used topically for anything from pain relief for broken bones, to acne, poison ivy, bites, stings, burns, etc.

General guideline for dosing with this infusion goes as follows:

A) For conditions where a strong immune response is required, Cancer, Crohns, Lyme and other microbial infections, smaller doses should be the first course. Also for conditions such as nausea, sleep disorders, patient tolerance depending, 3-5x a daily, targeting 50-100 mgs/THC total.

B) For Autoimmune conditions moderate doses should be the starting point. As with all cannabis medicine dosing, the patient ultimately should determine the dosing based on tolerance and effectiveness. Larger initial doses or more numerous small doses can be used. A good daily total would be in the 100-150mgs/THC daily.

B) Severe pain requires high doses of cannabis generally. This Infusion can be made very strong. I`ve made it with approx. 150mgs/THC per tsp. It was the only thing that relieved my friends terrible peripheral neuropathy, post chemo after 5-6 weeks of agony, and less and less effective morphine. It took about 200mg/THC for about 6 hours of relief for my friend. I believe part of what makes this infusion so effective for pain is terpene content. And the peer reviewed Cannabis Science clearly indicates the importance of terpenes in pain relief.

Final Notes. This stuff is NOT concentrated oil, like RSO. But in my opinion it is better more balanced medicine that doesn't require massive amounts of cannabis, you can't blow your house up making, and even in the strongest versions I've made, does not produce the nasty high dose THC anxiety syndrome, as does RSO, and other concentrates.

Thanks for reading!

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