
Is Pakistani a different landrace than Chitral?

Pakistan Chitral Kush is a super old strain from Pakistan, I think the one you're referring too when compared to this one is the Chitral, a current landrace strain from the same area

Okay thanks for explaining.
There is no record for "Greek Chitral"
just it is a landrace cross.

We should investigate more about your landraces Cross ;)

If you lived by me we could investigate by consumption.
If you google "Greek Chitral" only my page comes up.
It's probably a newish landrace cross.

Great picture. Almost as purple as the black cherry bomb i posted.

Great now I'll check It :)

That is a particularly nice little nugget you have there - very nice! Is it a Paki with a bright high or sleepy? That could be a fine compliment to an African.

Pretty, too. Yes ... well done!

Yes is a bud from my last harvest :) I smoked a joint before going to work and I feel a stimulant high at the beginning, then after a hour start a soft stoned sensation, but no to strong. Is a good weed for smoking all day :))

Wow, the colors are intense...

Like the taste/smell :)

Yeah m sure...

In realtá la magia viola é della Pakistán Chitral Kush di cannabiogen usata x l incricio

Eh sì, infatti l'ho coltivata in 2014 outdoor. Non ho azzeccato fenotipo viola purtroppo, ma quell'altro. Poi era bella pianta, però suscettibile alla muffa e non molto adatta al clima nord italiano. Ma hash era buonissimo :)

Magari la red Monster nel more ita funziona bene grazie all incrocio con la swazi aumenta il vigore e la resistenza alle muffe :) sarebbe da provare. Di odore é sottile durante la fioritura non é troppo sgamo!

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