"last half of the last cigar in all of moscow . . ."

in #cannabis7 years ago

"farewell the pleasures of the flesh . . . "

such would have been my sentiment a few years back at the sight of
this glorious bud growing smaller with every toke. even pinching off less
each time--halves of halves--soon there'll be nothing left!

but now . . . as if we've awakened from a nightmare, what was once
scarce and expensive because of political manipulation has become
abundant and cheap because of our love.

here come my blessings to planet-mate gnash gnash @carlgnash for inspiring us all with that voluptuous bloo widow bud (https://steemit.com/dsound/@carlgnash/20180308t210755934z-the-roots-original-music-dsound-exclusive).

but this bud is my last taste of a friend's crop from 5 years back. you see
how dry-as-dust she is. no chlorophyll left. more mineral than
vegetable. but such minerals!

white is my hit, after a hit: white ala white widow. friend grower has no
idea what strain it was but it strikes me as sativa-dom. uplifting,
energizing, rather than subduing and relaxing like an indica. very

(trichomes on a white widow grown in 2015)

but oh no, what will I do when she's all gone?

I'll grow one ever better. for that is the marvel and the magic of this
plant that regardless of nurture and environment, over 90% of its
behavior is genetic and happens like clockwork. no matter how badly
she's treated--short of killing her outright--she will make bud the likes
of which you've never tasted.

treat her with the least care, my god she'll amaze you with her bounty
and suddenly it will all make sense: the only reason it was ever scarce and
expensive is because politicos made it illegal.

and even though it was we and not politicians that got it legal again--
and say, when did it ever have anything to do with legal or illegal
anyway--it just was! a part of human culture for 100,000 years, our
original medicine. but no sooner did we the people undo its
politically-induced illegality than the politicos had to monetize it with
taxes and thus begin driving nails into the coffin of their own revenue
source. for the politicians and the wolves forget there's a reason it's
called "weed." it's because it's a weed.

y'all may have heard of the indians out at warm springs reservation
planning to get into pot-growing in a big way. they tried a casino and failed. aw.
so now, way too little and decades late, they're gonna grow commercial
weed to sell in oregon? and this despite the contradiction of its being
illegal on the res? isn't that what hypocrisy smells like?

and who would back them in such a venture? for that's surely what it
is: venture capitalism, with no higher aim than profit. but who would
put up funds necessary to launch a commercial operation now in a
market that's just had the bottom fall out?

in oregon it barely took three years of legal homegrown to seriously
strain the commercial cannabis market. 1500/pound commercial
growers were getting for it in 2015, 500/pound less every year since
'cause there's so much homegrown. guess what: at 500 dollars
a pound it's barely worth growing. no surprise commercial growers
take it out of state where it's still illegal and expensive.

but people who want cannabis can grow their own now or they know
someone who does. even if it's cheap to buy, nothing beats free.
and so it will be, everywhere it's made legal: it will grow like the weed it is,
until it will be hard to imagine how money was ever a part of it.

maybe this is how it breaks through to the red states. nevada
went legal this year and apparently it's a sensation. you see the dump
stations at the airport where you can dispose of your stuff before
flying back home. maybe it will become part of america's vegas
dream: get gambled, get a hooker, get high? straight people giving it
a little toot while they're in vegas and realizing it doesn't really make
them satanic? go back to omaha and turn hippy?

who says girls can't grow a penis? nice turgid trichome on a cush from '16.

(whose bud is this?).

larva of the cabbage butterfly, diggin' on those sticky trichomes. the indigs are purported to eat these. toasted over a low fire they're said to taste like lobster and are so packed with THC they rip your tits off.


It does seem like the tide is turning. Somehow I had missed that it was legalized in Nevada. This is a great post dude. The penis trichome is really a stimulating photograph ;) I think I do recognize that spider bud :)

Much love - Carl "Blue Widow" Gnash

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well braddah you were the inspiration . . .

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