What I experienced when I smoked pot for the first time in 42 years !

in #cannabis7 years ago

Hey everyone,

So I took the plunge & finally smoked pot for my first time ever in 42 years ! I would like to tell you what I experienced, so let's jump right into it ok. ( If you're in a rush I've summarised it for you further down in bullet points ).

Exhibit A

These are the three joints I smoked over the course of 24 hours. I smoked about half of each joint as I was smoking with my girlfriend. It's Sativa Indoor if I'm not mistaken. It was referred to as, "The Good Weed".

Me lighting up

The joint I must say lights up the same as a cigarette. However, I must add, it tastes horrible! Maybe because I'm obviously not used to the taste. But to me it tasted like grass. Dry grass. ( lol you n00b )

After I smoked one joint I told my girlfriend about 20 minutes later, "Babe, I don't feel anything". She replied, "Just relax. Don't focus on what must happen". Then, all of a sudden.....

Yo whatsup bro, like, yo bro... whatsup maaaaaaaaan

It just hit me all of a sudden. I felt slightly dizzy, similar to the feeling of being tipsy from alchohol. I wasn't giggly & I was fully aware of my environment. My hands did have a tingling sensation, I must say. Similar to pins & needles, but not in a bad way.

Oh wait, wait, I took a video also....

The video of me smoking

Here's the thing that really worried me while high... My short term memory, was GONE! I'm not even kidding. I would like be chatting to my girlfriend, and when she replied to me, I was like, "What were we talking about again?". It scared me a bit. To mentally forget the last 4 or 5 seconds every 10 or 15 seconds is to me, a scary experience.

But I didn't panic, I just went with it. I didn't like the fact that I couldn't stop this feeling, so I did feel out of control. But didn't panic. Strangely enough I didn't feel a calming feeling come over me. You know how people say it relaxes you? It didn't do that to me.

I wasn't anxious or stressing, basically just myself. But look at my eyes! Oh my gosh. lol. Not good. When I smoked the other joint the next day, my short term memory was fine. So maybe it was just that first time. (shrug)

We had to drive to fetch someone, & I'll tell you, I'll never drive again while high. It was like roads carried on forever (lol), backing out of my parking space at my apartment was a mission, and I got lost frequently. I would be driving and then literally wouldn't know where I was. If it wasn't for my girlfriend then I most probably would've taken 3 days to get home. lol

What I experienced in a nutshell

  • Dizzy feeling
  • Tingling sensation in my hands
  • Loss of short term memory ( only the first time though )
  • Loss of depth perception
  • Could hold a conversation & was fully aware of my surroundings
  • Libido was increased in a weird way. Weird as in not drunk horny for lack of a better word, but just "on heat". lol
  • Emotions were amplified

The last point meaning that emotions & feelings that were already present in me, would be vocalised to the person I love, like my girlfriend. For instance, if I was feeling ready to get engaged but didn't have the courage to tell her, pot made it easier for me to tell her, and when told, I felt such love towards that person.

Now that you've experienced it, would you smoke on a regular basis?

The short answer is No.

It's not for me. Maybe I should smoke more to experience other effects, but to me, as an individual, I wouldn't explore this option again. I'm glad I did it, it has taught me a lot and more importantly help me understand certain things about pot smoking.

People who smoke I have nothing against. I'll interact with them, socialise with them etc. But for me it doesn't float my boat. I think it has to do with the fact that I like to be in control of a situation, and pot takes that away from me when high.

So there you have it guys, me smoking weed. hahahaha

Feel free to post a comment if you'd like to know something specific when I smoked.

Thank you for reading !


It can be quite scary for those of us who don't do it very often. Thanks for posting that.

You are welcome.

I also like your story even though i m against any type of smoking,, but u have narrated so well your experience that i was laughing while reading your post.
Good post!!! upped

LOL Thank you so much !

I find that there is a period of about 15-20 mins when the cannabis first kicks in which I refer to as the 'golden time' in which I have my best ideas and thoughts. The problems is that due to the short term memory thing you describe, I often forget them. This is frustrating. I read an interesting post the other day by @wolfman80 in which he talks about how he finds it makes him more creative and makes the process of creating content easier. It's interesting because I read about a lot of people who say that cannabis helps them be more creative but also read stuff from Graham Hancock who smoked cannabis all day every day for decades while writing books on various subjects. He became dependent and didn't think he could be creative without it. It wasn't until he tried stronger psychedelics which made he realise how dependent he was and how it was affecting his life negatively that he stopped smoking and took control and realised he could work just as well without it. Cannabis is a great drug with many beneficial uses for all sorts of ailments but it can definitely have negative consequences if not used in moderation. Like any drug I suppose.

Good post. Upvoted/Following and will look forward to your future posts.

This means a lot to me, thank you so much !

i'm in a hurry to leave... but i'll keep this tab open for later... the pics have already been epic!

see you later broooo, I'll sit and smoke one while I enjoy the read later!

Johnny Cash High

LOL no worries.

Thx for the humerous comment :)

gonna try it and post info here :D

hehehehe you should !

Good post! Upvoted and followed!

Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated !

Thanks for posting an update. I still respect your open-mindedness towards it even though it's not for you. Honestly, the indica strains are more relaxing. Sativas give you more of a mind buzz and more energy.

Did you try any food while doing it?! That's the best part!!

I did "kinda" have the munchies, but not a lot.

yo man buy a bong or a glass bowl to smoke from it gets you more stoned with less weed then you can fully finish your review by trying all the methods of smoking and you can also try out all the different strains. BTW great post man!

Cool post! Always nice to hear drug related experiences, how they interact differently from person to person ☺ good job mate #minnowtowhale

Thank you so much for this. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I think you did it in a right way :P :D

Thank you :-)

Was afraid I'd mess it up lol

hahah! i think so you enjoyed it little bit :P

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