RE: So the DEA is raiding smoke shops for CBD now. The battle for safe, natural medicine is far from over
This is just another prime example that the battle to self medicate, with a harmless plant is far from over
What always seems to get me is how people are attempting to take matters into their own hands on how to treat diseases, illnesses and other chronic pain issues, and the government swoops in and tries to stop these people.
It was the medical professionals, doctors, insurance companies and eventually the government that got people addicted to opioiods over the years... have a pain?... here take some Norco... Have an auto-immune disease that causes nausea? Take some Schedule 1 drugs... and on and on
BUT NOW people are smarter and wanting to do things different, or their own way, and the government CANNOT have any of that.. the DOJ is arresting, imprisoning and hurting people who NEED these medications (CBD, cannabis, etc) to function.. to be pain free.. to be able to eat lunch EVERY day.
It sickens me... these pathetic government agencies have no one better to arrest? Oh wait... let's pick on/arrest this 60 year old grandma who is suffering from glaucoma and who is treating her illness with CBD oil so she can stop losing weight and feel better and instead we'll ignore these other people pushing illegal heroin