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RE: New to Growing? Plain and Simple Photo of both Male and Female Cannabis Flowers (So you don't have to ask. lol)

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Sorry you haven't been feeling well :( . thank you for your reply. And I'm not sure what is meant exact;y by "you won't be able to see the nanners before they spit pollen"--you mean, that if I've seen a nanner, it has necessarily already spit pollen? That's too bad... I hoped I'd caught it in time... Are you positive of this? I thought the nanners break open and spill the pollen.. Although, I'd imagine it would be next to impossible to prevent any and all specks of the stuff to stay put lol. So I won't be surprised if I find a couple seeds (which honestly i'd be fine with. These plants have for the most part been great; if it wasn't for me screwing up the temps/ lights that one day I don't think I'd have seen any nannas!) . Honestly, it's kinda messing w me bc I'm not even sure it was a nanner--is it possible that just one tiny one could appear and that's it--no more??

It was the strangest thing: Just the one teeny tiny nanner in the middle of one bud. I have searched and searched over the past two days since removing the one nanner and have not seen not one more. The buds look fantastic, actually... I will post pics soon.

Although I will say, some of the smaller "flowers/ budsites" lower down on the plant have formed what kind of look like where seeds had formed on my last grow: just a few random spots, and mostly at the bottom of the plant (which makes sense due to gravity where the pistils are a bit longer and spikier.

But thanks for the tip on wetting everything. I will do my best :). Plus, after reading up some more on the situation, seeing as seeds can take a few weeks to properly form, and I am so close to harvest, I think it'll be okay... I have high hopes :).


Yes, seeing the nanner usually means there are other male flowers in there. Not all of them will grow large enough to poke out and be seen, they will still open and drop pollen.

Look for darkened pistils. The white pistils turn brown when they're touched by pollen and begin creating a seed.

I prefer fully developed seeds, as they're easier to remove than the tiny immature ones. Here's hoping you're just fine. :) If not, it'll only be a bit harsher, nothing terribly health destroying. :D

Thanks. I'm gonna go with the plant just stressed a bit bc I let it get too hot, and she just freaked out for a second but is okay now. Cause like the one I saw, was not even "poking out," it was inside a bud I kind of opened and looked in. But I guess we shall see... :)

Thanks again for your help!

Heat is a common trigger, yes. ;)
Some other triggers are:

  • Low pH in the root zone
  • Sudden and prolonged drops in temp
  • Changes in lighting
  • Pinhole light leaks
  • Some chemicals

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