RE: GanjaCoward... The war is on...
When have you ever called me out on a lie? Funny.
And making up situations that never happened on sweet id love to know more! Tell me!
So talking to people is also something I have to get permission for?
May I also brownnose you too sir?
May I go write another post sir? I'll immediately forward the draft to you and your clique for approval and censorship before posting.
And does sound alot controlling. If I saw some boyfriend doing this is automatically assume that is an abusive controlling relationship and wouldn't be wrong.
But again the dgi this was just business. Jon's jump to conclusions is well known. He wants the drama? He got it.
Thanks and love the extra comment and the ability to shut you down.
Personally you were the first one to violate the "terms of service" with your personal attack on me. So of course you know it all.
Well like I said. Funny thing about truth.. It does come out.
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