How to Cure Cancer with Poo

in #cannabis5 years ago

Yeah, DRutter's stirring up shit (again)!


( S is for Shit, and for Steem. Both are Super! All photos by DRutter. )

Cannabis is a cure for many cancers, including cancers that can't be treated using conventional methods. Experiments and research show tumor cells being destroyed safely and completely by cannabinoids. I personally know dozens of people alive today because cannabis cured their terminal cancers. Half of us will get cancer in our lives, and half of us who do will die from it. Knowing how to produce high quality cannabis allows us to safely prevent and treat cancer at home, for free, bypassing the trillion-dollar-per-year chemotherapy industry.

The best way I know about for turning poo into cannabis, is to make soil from the poo, grow cannabis in the soil, and extract the cannabinoids (medicine) from the dried flowers.

This post is part of my "Soil to Oil" series, which shows how cannabis plants can easily be grown in your living room, for free, with minimal gardening experience.

Turning Worm Poo (Castings) Into Soil

I use nothing (and I mean nothing) to turn cannabis seeds into cannabis flowers, except what they need:

  • light
  • water
  • air
  • soil

Some people think it can't be done, but it can, and it's how I prefer to produce my medicine.

First, a clean bathtub, for easy mixing and cleanup:


Then, a large bag of fresh worm castings:


Black gold, as some farmers call it. Odorless, safe, and extremely nutritious for plants, including cannabis. I used to get it from a local vermiculturist (worm guy), but he sold me some very inferior product recently, and I took my business elsewhere. The free market is sometimes awesome, and sometimes not! A local shop had large bags of organic worm castings for $15!


It's lovely stuff, very heavy, full of all the minerals my plants need, and nothing they don't. Because it has passed through the gut (and butt) of a worm, it's very fine. When it gets wet, it turns to muck. Roots have trouble penetrating dirt when it is this dense.

Bring in the fluffers!

Perlite is volcanic glass which has been heated to expand it to a fluffy, stable, safe, inert material perfect for fluffing up dense dirt!


Chemically, perlite is essentially glass or sand - Silicon Dioxide. It's found all through nature and doesn't get absorbed by plants. It helps soil retain water.

Sphagnum moss is usually mined from peat bogs (swamps), and is perfectly suited for adding fluff to organic soil mixes. The problem is, peat bogs aren't sustainable. Since coconut trees are much more so, I'm hoping to use their 'coir' (bark) in my next crop.


After the perlite and moss, I sprinkled on some diatomaceous earth! This is something recommended to me when I posted here, and I've been using it in my mixes ever since. Diatomaceous earth, as the name suggests, is earth (dirt) made out of diatoms, which are fossilized microorganisms. It's a whitish colour because the diatom fossils are made of Silicon Dioxide, much like the perlite. How it works is the tiny sharp glass particles get between the moving parts of insects (and mites), and cuts them up. This makes it an effective natural pesticide when added to dirt, without affecting nutrients or anything else about it.


I went with about 50% poop, 25% perlite, and 25% moss. Mix the ingredients together to form your soil:


My Super Skunk plants (last major update here) are now ready for their "big girl pots"!


After sterilizing the large pots, I used a coffee filter on the bottom to prevent too much nutrient loss (though I rarely overwater). Then I filled up the pots half way with my amazing soil, transferred the plants over, and topped them up with more mix!


That's 'E', looking a bit ratty in the upper fan leaves. The plants have suffered because they didn't get their nutrients on time (thanks to the shady worm guy off Craigslist!)

Now that they're transplanted (along with all my tomatoes), the garden should recover nicely.


The Super Skunk plants are only 2 months old, from seed. Despite the recent setback, they're a good size and fairly healthy. Once they stabilize in their new soil, they'll strengthen, and go into flowering (reproductive) cycle.

Soil to Oil

This is part of my 'Soil to Oil' series, which is following my 3rd crop grown fully on the Steem blockchain. The first posts are here, here, and here. The series intends to help intermediate gardeners adapt their skills to producing high quality clean organic cannabis, in their living room, for essentially no financial cost. If you've grown tomatoes, fruit, or flowers, you won't have trouble using what you know to succeed with cannabis. This guide isn't intended for brand new gardeners, but I encourage them to follow along and start developing their green thumbs. The Super Skunk crop will be grown, harvested, and the oil will be extracted for medical use.

Cannabis is a safe plant to grow indoors, but we shouldn't be restricted to indoor growing. I personally love to live with my plants, and since I work from home, it doesn't make sense any other way. I love being able to control their conditions to the best of my ability, allowing them be as strong and healthy as they're able to, which is going to produce me the best possible cannabis flowers.

Stay tuned for more posts in my Soil to Oil series, and to watch the Super Skunk plants bloom into medicine!


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Thank you, @Drutter! I'm glad we finally found the good shit, to make the good shit! ;)

Thanks to YOUR help of course! You located it!
Now we're deep in shit and loving every bit!

LOL that was a great pun! Bonus points for catching me off guard and bonus points for generating a literal, genuine, hearty,
Loud! :-D

Resteemed this great addition to the blockchain to my followers!
(and upvoted)

Poo curing cancer?! That's just another one of those myths like cannabis and nutrition curing cancer! Fake news! LOL Juuust kidding. for real, thanks for the tips, tricks, and pics, @Drutter. Great shit pics. :D

I like the tips and tricks that you share as they can help many people looking for solutions to treat their health issues.

I also like how you talk about the worm poo :) Your post is not only informational but also funny :)

Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your curie vote! You deserve it :)

Could not even think of something like this, thanks for sharing, i am still amazed. And you showed us step by step, now I can imagine how people grow cannabis in their homes. I see lots of people in USA doing it.

Out of curiosity, its ok with the government? Like they obviously cannot interfere and dont interfere?

Here in Canada, they "legalized" cannabis in October, claiming the people voted for it. What we wanted was for them to stop putting people in prison for growing or using cannabis plants, but they've gone from 8 cannabis "crimes" to 45 now. And the sentences have increased, in many cases up to 14 years per "offense". Peaceful people are being beaten up, killed, and imprisoned for cannabis that is supposedly legal. Legalization is a scam, and the same scam is about to happen in New Zealand, and across the rest of the Western world. It is a massive power grab, and a destruction of a thriving culture and industry.
I could go to prison for 14 years for my 4 small houseplants, and all that would need to happen is somebody to make an anonymous snitch call. I would lose my family and die in prison, so I hope nobody makes that call.

Civil disobedience of harmful unjust laws is every free person's responsibility!

Oh that is quite strange. So a law is there but its kind of fake law, shitty governments.

Don't you feel like giving up on the plants, considering the risks?

Have you heard of that guy Danbil Zerian and his company Ignite?

Somebody who does it on this huge level, how come government allows to them?

No, the law isn't fake. The laws are all real, and that's the problem. Nobody wanted these laws. We wanted freedom. Cannabis should be treated the same as broccoli or tomatoes or aloe. It's just a plant and there's nothing dangerous about it. The only reason it is illegal is so that others can profit.
In Canada, the only ones allowed to grow and sell Cannabis are the government and their friends. The average person goes to jail for trying to participate.
No, I never feel like giving up, because then my wife would die. Cannabis is the only thing keeping her alive today.

So right, I see how they are playing here.Bad government ruling us, I hate how group of people just rules over masses. Sometimes i imagine people can just go and beat the hell out of government. But yeah to keep things in order, fancy govt is needed.

I hope your wife gets ok soon and you both always live together, a happy beautiful life. And i promise no one ever gonna call on you, sending good vibes to you.

Thank you very much for the good vibes, and nice comment :)

That's an interesting tutorial. I know nothing about this, so it was interesting to read it. Looks like you got some very healthy plants. It's illegal in my country, so i won't use it but it was nice to read it. Great job!

My 4 plants could get me 14 years in prison under Canada's new "legalization" laws, but I feel it's important to break unjust, harmful, immoral laws. Thanks for your comment :)

Wow, I thought it's legal where you live. I have no idea how much you could get here and I guess I don't even want to know :) Anyway, good luck with it and don't get caught :)

LOl as always bro, great fucking post!

Hi drutter,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Awesome, that's an honour!
I've upvoted resteemed this hemptastic post, too :)

Nice post! So informative. I read about cannabis as medicinal and I believe that testimonies from the patients that used it will really serve as a staging point for further studies and eventually, to be used commercially worldwide. Honestly, I never tried taking those because it is still prohibited here in our country but if studies will really prove that they are a medicinal breakthrough and will serve to save a lot of patients other than its uses for recreation, then I will be 100% on supporting it.

Cheers man!

All you need to do is read the studies and educate yourself about reality. We have known how cannabinoids treat and cure illness including cancer for many decades. If you have access to the internet, the only thing keeping you ignorant is yourself. If you need help using search engines, please ask!

Actually I am open to it, it is just that because of regulations in our country that prohibits its usage, then we can never use it at all. I am not against it and I am open to new learning especially on medical breakthroughs.

Posted using Partiko Android

Many people knew for decades that cannabis cures most types of cancer, and in 1972, the US Government (Nixon) conducted 2 years of experiments and research, concluding this. Nixon was angry and embarrassed, because he had hoped it would reveal the opposite - that cannabis causes cancer. He had the scientists go quiet about the results, and kept the research from being spread through the medical community. He began his "War on Drugs" about 45 years ago, which, based on the lie that cannabis is dangerous and harmful, has imprisoned millions of peaceful people and killed thousands of innocent men women and children. In the 1990s, new scientists re-discovered the knowledge and it has spread throughout the internet ever since. If you don't know where to search for scientific knowledge, try here.

Cannabis cures cancer and many other illnesses, because every mammal has an "endocannabinoid system", made of natural cannabinoids made by our bodies, and receptors in our organs and nervous system. When activated by our own cannabinoids (or from plants), these receptors control pathways that regulate our health and happiness. We would die without cannabinoids. Babies can only be conceived because of our endocannabinoid system. Without it there would be no humans, and almost no other animals either. This information is not taught in most college classes, even in 2019, but it has been confirmed by all the world's major hospitals and universities. If you want this knowledge you must go and find it.

Thank you for being open to the truth. You can find this info all over the internet and in printed publications, from trusted sources like Harvard. Even CNN has reported this recently, so there's no excuse for people to remain ignorant.

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