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RE: Californians Can Vote to Fully Legalize Marijuana This November

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

Love it. Medical marijuana already made pot functionally legal in CA , since anyone over 18 just needs to say they had a conversation with their doctor; they don't even need a card to get out of jail free. Go anywhere in CA now and people are lighting up in full view. But full legalization (at least at the state level) should allow businesses more certainly and let the government regulate & tax it, etc. This one should pass easily.


Yes it seems like there is enough in the bill to make most people happy. There is also some flexibility to change certain parts of the bill with a future vote as well. I think they were able to learn a lot from Colorado and other states. Anyways things are looking good for passage and that will certainly open up a huge opportunity for businesses. Marijuana is the #1 cash crop in CA (also #1 in the US) and CA currently supplies over 50% of the market in the US.

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