The Most Expensive Weed In The World

The drug war continues around the world today, with various law enforcement agencies still heavily dedicated to policing cannabis and other drugs.
And in trying to achieve their goal, they've prevented sick people from being able to access something that might be able to improve their quality of living. They have also fueled an incredible amount of violence; the drug war has cost tens of thousands of people their lives. And thousands have also lost their lives due to drug overdoses. Prohibition, by no surprise, still doesn't work.
Some countries and different regions have moved forward with legalization efforts for cannabis, though you can still find many where it is prohibited.
Countries where they still have very strict laws in place against cannabis are places like Thailand, Ukraine, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia.

Where Is The Most Expensive Weed To Be Found?....
according to data that was collected by the UNODC, Tokyo has the most expensive weed in the world and it's estimated to cost around $32 per gram.
You can find cannabis all around the world, even in places where it's still highly restricted. In South Korea it's also estimated to cost around $32 per gram, in Hong Kong, China it's about $29.65 per gram, and Beijing, China, about $20.52 per gram.
Those are some of the cities with the highest prices, along with areas like Dublin, Shanghai, Oslo, and Bangkok.
Interestingly, you can find areas that are listed both on the cheap and expensive list that are either dealing with partial legality, or full illegality.
In places like Indonesia and Kazakhstan it's still seen as being heavily restricted and illegal, and yet they've got some of the lowest prices according to the data from the UNODC.

What Cities Consume The Most Weed?
New York takes first place when it comes to which cities have the highest weed consumption.
The cannabis in that area sells for around $10.76 per gram. Followed by New York, areas with the highest consumption were Karachi, Pakistan, New Delhi, India, Los Angeles, USA, Cairo, Egypt, Mumbai, India, London, UK, Chicago, USA, Moscow, Russia, and Toronto, Canada.

Despite the billions that have been spent trying to police the choices that people make about what goes into their body, drugs are still widely available. And the war on drugs has frequently been criticized for having helped to fuel political corruption, mass incarceration, and for promoting an endless cycle of crime, among other problems.
In some areas cannabis has been legalized for recreational use,... in others it's legalized for possession only but illegal if caught selling,... other places have medicinal use permitted only,... or legalized research purposes strictly, it's still highly controlled and unnecessary regulated in many ways. And that comes as a detriment to the people because there is a great deal of benefit that this plant has to offer.
via Silk Roads and Siamese Smiles
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The U.S. drug war has actually created the place where weed is the most expensive that I know of. In prisons all across the United States, completely walled off and 'controlled' a gram of weed can still be obtained. It will cost you though. 50$ a gram and higher. Even in jail's that are supposed to be completely controlled environments. Drugs are still obtainable. That to me shows the obvious failure of the drug war and banning things in general!
Very correct. Officers sells to prisoner to keep their check balanced. I hope this act stops soon
Here in Oregon we have to qualify for the most pot smoked!
I live in Humboldt up here in Northern California.
There have been many a bowl smoked here lol
Population eats pounds that's why Portland imports more weed... From north Cali, and southern Oregon.
In all areas of life the prohibition is not the solution, human beings have incorporated that the word NO means to do it, say no to a child and you will see how it does the opposite.
The solution is evident Education. Well-used education will always be better than prohibition. There is a slogan that says Hard with the system, soft with people.
thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing all these indices of prices and consumptions.
I wish you a great day
I think this idea of yours will do the job. Good one
Man, I could grow like a MOFO in these places and make a killing $32g....Shit man I dont pay anymore, but if I did it would be like $5g. or enough trim to make some BOMB ASS Browines
New York is such a densely populated city i wonder if that skews the statistics any
Word man very true, and you can do big time in Jail if caught with a gram of weed in Tokyo pretty crazy!
wow in China about $29.65 per gram it's such an expensive one. bu t maybe in some other places, the price is higher.
I must be some rich ass drug dealers in Tokyo. Damn $32
Going price on Australia is usually 25 a gram...well last time I bought some...that was over 2 years ago