When Drugs Failed, A Desperate Dad Treated Daughter’s Severe Epilepsy With Cannabis Oil

in #cannabis6 years ago


Gwenevere Repetski was just an infant when she was diagnosed with epilepsy, a debilitating neurological disorder because of which she experienced constant sub-clinical seizures throughout the day — sometimes up to 50 a day.

Gwenevere's seizures were so bad, she could hardly function. "She was kind of like a bag of Jell-O," said her mother, Reagan Repetski. The family had tried nine anti-epileptic medications to reduce the number of seizures, but nothing worked. That’s when Gwenevere’s desperate father Alex Repetski decided to look into cannabis oil - an untested, unproven and illegal treatment.

At that point, we really didn’t have anything to lose,” he said, as he recalled the stressful and emotional struggle of trying to help his daughter achieve a better quality of life.

Alex spent 18 months and more than 800 hours reading about cannabis oil and about how cannabidiol or CBD, one of the chemical compounds in marijuana, could help control Gwenevere’s seizures without causing the typical marijuana high.


Asking his daughter to smoke the marijuana wasn't an option. So Alex learned how to take the dried marijuana his daughter was allowed to have and create marijuana oil in his kitchen. In November 2014, Alex began giving a small amount of cannabis oil to his daughter orally, three times a day. Since then, she hasn't had a single seizure.

According to Collective Evolution, prior to the cannabis oil use Gwenevere was in an almost vegetative state and was functioning at the level of a four month old baby, even at the age of two. Now, she is a thriving three-year-old bounding ahead in her development.

"She's crawling, she's learning to walk, she's playing with toys, she's feeding herself, she's bothering her brother – her quality of life is 1,000 per cent increased," Alex told CTV News.

For eight months, the Repetskis had been breaking the law by giving their daughter cannabis oil. In June 2015, when Gwenevere turned 3, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that medical marijuana patients will able to consume marijuana — and not just smoke it — as well as use other extracts and derivatives since "the current restriction to dried marijuana violates the right to liberty and security in a manner that is arbitrary and hence is not in accord with the principles of fundamental justice".


According to a 2015 study, presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 67th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, Cannabis oil shows great promise for reducing seizures in severely epileptic children who have not responded to other forms of treatment. For the 137 people who completed the 12-week study, the number of seizures decreased by an average of 54 percent from the beginning of the study to the end.


I am no doctor but I have done a lot of research on the topic, and I also happen to know a few people that actually have epilepsy, albeit mostly mild cases when compared to severe forms of epilepsy.

Anyhow, I have come to believe that people with epilepsy must have some sort of endocannabinoid deficiency or problems, that is alleviated when consuming marijuana. That is why their seizures either stop or are alleviated.
Doctors and scientists have not been allowed to research this due to marijuana's classification as a Schedule 1 Illegal drug.

What a great result and story.
With the pricing on some of the meds were experiencing, we've done the same on my mother in law, and since then she is doing a lot better.
I have hope that this will benefit her, but we are also trying the trditional methods over and above this.
She has lung cancer, and with all the positive reviews of cannabis oil out there, it is worth it to try it...nothing to lose either

So glad he did his own research and gave it a try, there's many videos on FB showing kids and dogs that have seizures and after a dose of cannabis oil they are fine, but as it's a plant big companies can't patent it and if they did and found out about all its health benefits they would probably start curing people. But hey thats my opinion glad she hasn't had a seizure since goes to show you how good it is.

A new term has been coined for these people who move to areas where they can save their loved ones without breaking the laws. These people are called medical refugees.

And from cancer patients all the way to epileptic children we are seeing one plant cure a massive amount of ailments from all ages of human beings. Add to it I personally watched a friend of mine treat his old dog that had cancer...

Working at a gym I see top level athletes working hard and after their workout using cannabis. Not only smoking it but topically for joint and muscle pain as well.

Keep the medicine in the hands of patients is the motto of the Green Union.


I love seeing this. Last year my dad made a couragess decion and decided to switch my younger sister over to Cannabis Oils. She's had siezures since she was an infant and the medicine they were using was seeming to make it worse. He didn't want my sister to suffer anymore so he told her doctor to stop treatment with the meds she was recieving and than started purchasing Cannabis oil to give to her. She hasn't had a siezure in over 2 years.

The strides Cannabis is going to make people is going to be amazing and I cannot wait to help it become a reality! Children deserve a childhood and filling their body with toxic drugs is not helping them!

Thank you for posting! I love seeing Cannabis make strides with people and actually make a difference in their life! Keep up the good work, you have my full support because you're making your child's life better every day buy choosing this for her!

Have a great day and keep posting such knowledge filled articles!

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