My Cannabis Budget grow Update: Looking at my own THC Bomb Gorilla Glue and other Cannabis Plants makes me think we can grow Cannabis on Mars!
Heres some of my own Cannabis plants
My Master Yoda, 707 Headband and Purple Urckle and others
THC Bomb
This one is revegging and its gonna be HUGE now!
Gorilla Glue growing well outside, vegging nicely!
Another shot of the Indoor Veg room with cheap LED and CFL affordable low wattage lights that only take $1.80 a year to use!
and while overlooking their progress I realized how the Indoor Cannabis industry has boosted Humanities knowledge of growing ALL types of plants! We used to watch movies like Red Planet or The Martian and wonder how the magioc of growing plants in space works! But once we begin to learn about Hydroponics and once we all began to learn to grow cannabis plants indoors with lights, we basically all began to learn how to grow plants in space as well! We all know how powerful light is for plants now, and we can all understand how easy it really would be to grow more than cannabis, now we know how to grow Food plants we need to survive! And large cannabis plants on Mars would help create oxygen in the space habitat!
if we can find a way to contain water and soil for the root system, and stop freezing at night, then we could easily grow plants on Mars in glass bubbles! Plants could even be grown in a Dyson Sphere in space if the plants could be stoipped from freezing at "night"
SpaceX is making it very clear that we can basically prepare to colonize Mars!
Now in the past, I have shipped clones (legally) in a small box with LED flashlight with the roots in a bag of soil with moisture, then I am sure plants can be grown in space using contained indoor lighting and heating from solar panels,. Mars should be even easier to grow on!
If we can grow plants indoors we can grow in space! Sunlight is plentiful, just need solar power to melt ice and process iron out of martian soil so it can be used to grow plants!
And heres another cool plant growing in the cracks in my backyard!
I have a feeling plants will find a way to adapt to mars if we just give them a little help!
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Wow, great post @ackza. I was literally thinking of the martian before you even mentioned it !! From the astronomy I've studied in Univeristy I've learned about introducing biospheres onto mars....Cannabis SHOULD be one of these plants first introduced...
Speaking personally; even today, my own mother who is very agasint me smoking cannabis, mentioned it for the treatment of dimentia and alzheimers to my neighbor this afternoon due to her own mothers experiences and suggestions by a doctor and friends who 'sneak' edibles to their unfortunate parents just so they can cope. It really is no joke, it does help a lot of people. And this is from my mother (if you knew her youd understand( and we are talking in NY of all places!!)
TBH a LOT of people I know say GG#4 is there favorite. I think it's a little indica-heavy for a reportedly sativa dominant hybrid, but it is definitely in my top 5.
Beautiful work, on both the post and the care @ackza. Keep it goin brother
I like your plant man. You really know your thing. I remember I had begun cloning at one point. Was one of the few people that wrote the article online on how I cloned weed using honey. Look me up.
Thank you for adding bonus sbd to me
@ackza, thank You very much My friend
Thanx for info
Gorgeous plants!
Headband is one of my absolute favorite strains.
sweet! looks like you got two green thumbs over there. thank's for the giveaway, really appreciate it @ackza
You're amazing !! Ever heard of Mars OG ?
yeah but eventually we will have actual cannabis grown on Mars, and Lunar Kush, people will import it back to Earth and sel it for alot just to say u smoked weed grown on the moon or mars... there will definitly be vape pens on board Elon Musks spaceships espcially because the space port is in newmexico where they have legal cannabis so ya and i mean u could also just smuggle vape oil in with ecigarettes , people will be vaping in space for sure
I got a couple of the same strains growing, nice plants!
I vaped some GOrilla Glue #4 from Cresco Labs earlier, love it!
don't forget! ;)