A House Made of A Giant Tootsie Pop, another Candyland legend.
For years and years there was a story passed down from fathers and mothers, grandfathers and great-grandmothers, to their children and their children after, on and on it went, about a legendary place, far off from the cities of the modern Candyland. It was of a god of candy who had decided after making the world, he would need a home within it. With pure candy magic he created a single tootsie pop so large it would dwarf the mountains around it and within it he carved out a home. The chocolate was soft and made for easy work for such a creature and he ate it away until he had a beautiful home, but in the center he left a great secret that has yet to now ever been discovered, and none know it. All the know is that with 3 licks and a bite he was able to achieve something that would possibly alter the course of candykind.