Dry-fasting and Turpentine for Terrain Modification and Regeneration

in #candida7 years ago

Disclaimer: The following is for educational purposes only. Please do your research before trying any fasting or turpentine protocol.

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The deterioration and imbalance of the microbiome starts in utero due to our mother's poor diet, stress levels, and toxic load and continues throughout our lives as we are exposed to trauma, antibiotics, pesticides, and foods that cause obstructions and inflammation in the body. The state of our gut and inner ecosystem, and the effects it has on our entire body and experience, can be compared to the roots and soil microorganisms that provide nourishment to a tree. It is mainstream knowledge today that many of our health problems stem from an unhealthy gut; however, most people haven't the faintest clue how to restore function...aside from taking probiotics in a pill. Many people, myself included, have had to turn to the body as a living labaratory for self-experimentation in order to heal.

What I have found is that fasting, cleansing and herbal protocols (that support the body) and significant, permanent lifestyle changes are often necessary to bring balance to the inner ecosystem of our guts...in order to reverse degeneration and reduce cellular toxicity. This is what we refer to as "terrain modification".

Terrain Modification


Terrain modification is essentially changing the intake of the body and employing specific lifestyle changes to alter your state of being/consciousness. When obstructions in the body are minimized, disease becomes closer to non-existent. As within, so without...so imagine your individual terrain (the lining of the gut, the lymphatic vessels, the fascial networks, and even the energetic body) being like a garden that you design/modify to promote the ideal flow and retention of oxygen, waste, water, nutrients, information, and energy.

In ancient times, fasting was a regular part of life, either through spiritual/religious beliefs or due to natural periods of famine (food unavailability). Exposure to healthy microorganisms was continuous...through being outside in nature, interacting with healthy soil and animals, and consuming wild edibles. Over time, we've lost touch with these ancient practices, as modern medicine has defined our approach to health through the reductionism and objectivism of "scientific research" and the germ-theory of disease. Much of what has stood the test of time, has been brushed aside as "old wive's tales" or simply "quackery" by many health professionals and scientists educated within this medical paradigm. In reality these natural approaches have been with us for ALL of humanity's time here on earth...MUCH longer than modern medical treatments. Terrain modification was simply "built-in" to ancient human lifestyle and practices.

SO...here's my take on the quickest and most effective way to modify the inner terrain and balance the inner ecosystem. As always...take it with a grain of salt (or a spoonful of sugar...wink wink)...and always do the research before you experiment on yourself. This philosophy comes mostly from my personal experience of healing myself and assisting my children and clients over the last ten years.

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Image credit - Ivy Ferguson courtesy (School Teacher Trinidad)

The main focus of healing the physical body should be through changing the terrain and removing obstructions, mucus, and stagnation in the body created by excess toxins, proteins, and fats and fascial restrictions. This is why I support intermittent dry fasting and eating mono-meals of fruit (or non-mucus-forming foods) in between as the quickest way to do this. The so-called "pathogenic organisms" are not necessarily our enemies. They are there because of the obstructions created by a poor diet and lifestyle... and they are there merely to clean up the garbage. This phenomenon can be observed in natural eco-systems and in basic household plumbing. Where the water is stagnant or obstructed from flowing, there is a build-up of waste, and microorganisms come in to feed on it and promote decomposition. Also, wherever there is cell-death or tissue damage (i.e. from environmental toxins, radiation and EMF exposure or from chemotherapy, antibiotics, or immunizations), candida comes in to break down and process the dead cells.

So with this in mind, they could in fact be there merely to assist us. If they weren't there, who knows, we might just die sooner...from drowning in toxicity and dead cells. But nonetheless, you do want their population controlled, along with treating the cause of them being there in the first place. So adding turpentine into your self-healing protocol, should be paired with dietary changes and fasting...which will change your inner terrain, so that the parasites and opportunistic microorganisms do not regain dominance in the body.

As far as repopulating or re-inoculating with beneficial bacteria goes, in my experience we require less input than we are lead to believe. It's not necessary to take in loads of fermented foods or probiotics. I like to use the analogy of regenerating farm land. When a farmer wants to avoid depleting the soil in a certain area of production, he/she allows the land to "go feral" or wild. This means no input, no tilling, just allowing the land to rest and the soil to repopulate with beneficial, symbiotic, microbes and fungi, so that nutrients are returned to the soil naturally. What happens during this time is that native microorganisms, mycelium, insects, plants and other species automatically repopulate, without any input.

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I believe this is what happens in the gut when we fast. This has been my personal experience and there is some evidence in recent micro-biome research and soil regeneration that supports this hypothesis. The diversity and balance will return just like the wild lawn you see in the above picture, so seeding with probiotics or fermented foods is simply optional. So you can see...as within...so without. Our inner terrain can be remodeled to support a diverse polyculture of residents. If you build it...they will come. 😊

Dry Fasting...the Top of the Mountain

Here's a simple break down of how to dry fast...with some proven and some anecdotal benefits. Personally I recommend a good dry-fasting regimen and the mucus-less diet for several weeks prior to starting and while following the turpentine protocol. As you will see in the video...dry fasting is superior to water fasting and you don't have to fast for very long to get great results.

Personally my favorite way to get my clients comfortably into dry fasting mode is to first start adding in more raw fruits and vegetables until you can work up to eating two raw meals a day with a cooked meal for dinner. Once this is established for several days or up to a few weeks, then start to remove all grains, animal products, fats (including avocados, nuts and seeds), and salt. After stabilizing on just fruits and vegetables for about a week, then one may start to delay eating their first meal of the day. This will allow one to easily and gradually increase their window time of fasting. Including the time that you sleep, you want to add an hour every day or so until you work up to about 15-17 hours a day. Personally I generally dry fast 17 hours a day 5 days a week, 20 hours once a week, and I have a re-feed day where I eat 5 small mono-meals of fruit or fruit juice. I have done a few 24 and 36 hour dry fasts, but this is not necessary for everyone.

When done this way, your body will gradually start to hydrate itself on a cellular level without needing water. I'm not recommending anyone stop drinking water, but personally I have gradually stopped drinking water over a period of dry-fasting for about 6 months. I just don't feel thirsty....and my skin is actually more hydrated than ever. I do however emphasize that you should drink one glass of distilled water each time you take a dose of turpentine.

Here's a video explaining how we create "endogenous water " when we dry fast. Don't be put off by the warnings...when done gradually, the way I explained above, there is really nothing to fear.

Here's a great visual for those wanting to gradually move into detoxification prior to starting your dry fasting and turpentine protocol. At the very top of the pyramid is where dry fasting is.

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Now that we've established the basis of a good dietary and dry fasting program, lets talk about turpentine.

100 Percent Pure Pine Gum Spirits... AKA "turpentine"

First of all...I want to clarify that I don't feel that killing microorganisms should be our focus in healing. Turpentine has many other actions that make it medicinal besides assisting in controlling parasites and candida. For one thing, it assists in supporting the immune system through repairing cell membranes...and it appears the beneficial bacterial colonies are largely left intact. So if you're into hunting and killing...turpentine IS good way to deliberately do that. If not, and you'd rather gently shift your terrain and love your inner "micro-family" and show them a better way to be...turpentine can be a great addition to an already regenerating inner ecosystem.

In this French study turpentine is described as follows:

"The eminent doctors of antiquity, Hippocrates, Dioscoride or Galien, used the terpenic oil for its properties against lung diseases and biliary lithiasis. In France, Thillenius, Pitcairn, Récamier and Martinet recommended it against the blennorrhoea and cystitis. Chaumeton, Peschiez, Kennedi, Mérat prescribed it against the neuralgias. It was also used in the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, nephritis, drop, constipation and mercury salivation. Those scientists also recognized that the terpenic oil may be a booster at an average dose and may have a paralyzing activity at high doses. In Germany, (Rowachol and Rowatinex), Slovenia (Uroterp) and Poland (Terpichol and Terpinex), the traditional drugs for renal and hepatic diseases (especially against cholesterol stones in the gall bladder and the bile duct) contain α- and β-pinenes [2]. Modern phytotherapy describes the following properties of the terpenic oil: antiparasitic, analgesic, revulsive, disinfectant (external use); balsamic, active on bronchial secretion and pulmonary and genito-urinary tract infections, haemostatic, dissolving gallstones, diuretic, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, deworming, being an antidote for poisonings caused by phosphorus [3] and improving the ciliary and secretory activity in patients who present chronic obstructive bronchitis (internal use ) [4].

The essential oil of turpentine and its two major volatile compounds are natural products, which pose no hazard when used in small quantities. They have a number of properties that are beneficial to human health and wellbeing and may be used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The major characteristics of these compounds are summarized in Figure 3."

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My Experience with Turpentine

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Before I started turpentine, I had been eating almost 100% raw, mostly fruits and leafy greens, and dry fasting regularly for about 7 months. Over the past 8 years, I have tried several a different approaches to healing the gut...and none of them worked as well as this approach. I have been able to reverse symptoms of arthritis, pre-diabetes, hypoglycemia, IBS, Colitis, PCOS, mood disorder, and many other labels. I came to a certain point in my healing recently, where I was still struggling with cravings, painful menstruation, and low back stiffness. I had heard about turpentine a year prior to trying it and I blew it off as "too extreme" at the time. Nevertheless, for some reason turpentine kept coming back into my awareness. Over the years as I have immersed myself in nature I have become more acquainted with the pine trees many medicines and foods (such as pine pollen and pinyon pine nuts). I have enjoyed the occasional pine needle tea and pine gum salve as well. So my affinity towards her has been a subtle, yet constant sign post.

So one day, I was inspired to do a lot of research and I came across Dr. Jennifer Daniels's protocol and free e-book here. I listened to all of her interviews on youtube and ulitmately found Danny Glass's amazingly informative channel. I immediately ordered my supplies and started taking it. Within 3 days, all of my cravings for unhealthy foods were gone. All of my stiffness was gone after my first dose, which makes sense when you read about the pain relieving effects of pinene (one of the main terpenes found in pure gum spirits). After a month of being on a regular protocol, I experienced my first pain-free menstruation in my entire life!!!!! In addition to those benefits I have felt more mental clarity, more energy, less irritability, deeper sleep, and a natural deepening in my sense of purpose and spiritual practice.

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Now...if you are ready to dig into the advantages of different delivery methods...below is a list of videos from Danny's channel describing in detail how to administer each one. I've personally tried the castor oil and sugar delivery method as well as just taking it in citrus juice, and have experienced different effects with each one. In a nutshell, with the castor oil, I feel more of a bowel and liver cleansing effect (so I'd suggest doing this one on your day off). I also notice a lot of bile in the toilet when I use the castor oil. When combining it with sugar, I feel my entire body being affected by the medicine more immediately, and I also notice more of what looks like biofilms or candida in the toilet. With the citrus juice, I feel more of a heightened sense of awareness and creativity and connection to Spirit. I only recommend the Diamond G brand in the image above, because from what I have read, it is the most pure and it has the least offensive taste and smell in my opinion.


Turpentine and Castor Oil Protocol:

Turpentine Sugar Protocol:

Turpentine, Sugar, Water combo protocol (WARNING INTENSE):

Turpentine Childs Protocol:

Turpentine Emergency Protocol:

"All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison." -Paracelsus (the dose makes the poison)

"The only real difference between medicine and poison is the dose....and intent."
~Oscar G. Hernandez, M.D.

Here is an article, by Dr. Sircus, on the historical use and safety of various "solvents" (such as water, DMSO, and turpentine), in specific doses to heal.

For those of you who are still doubting the safety and effectiveness of turpentine, for added fun and food for thought...here's a short video of a third generation herbalist, "Earth Elk," talking about the history of it's use in his culture. I...LOVE...THIS...GUY!!!!

And here is a book on turpentine, written in 1850, that contains numerous case studies throughout the text. It mentions writings from famous doctors, such as Hippocrates and Galen, who document internal and external applications of this medicine. The author also points out the absence of any accounts of poisoning with taking turpentine internally.

Turpentine Baths...AKA Zalmanov Bath

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Awakening the inner beloved is a huge part of what I teach. And what better way to start, than some good ol' fashioned self-pampering...with the added health benefits of promoting circulation, lymphatic flow, detoxification, and relaxation. Personally, I have noticed a reduction of spider veins and varicose veins. I do the baths about 2x/week or if I have had a particularly stressful day. It immediately reduces tension, improves blood flow to the legs, creates a feeling of well-being and promotes deep sleep.

The following was taken from the official Zalmanov website:

"Treatment without hydrotherapy is limited and hides its inefficiency behind a mountain of poisonous and useless drugs." ~ A. Zalmanov

"A huge advantage of the Zalmanov baths is an influence on a capillary network of our organism as a whole. The mechanism of action of the baths always remains the same - opening closed capillaries, increased flow of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients, improvement of venous circulation, metabolite excretion, consecutive excretion of toxin resulting from metabolism."

"Alexander Zalmanov, a famous Russian doctor has made a huge contribution to the development of naturopathy. His method of treatment with yellow and white Pine tree oil emulsions demonstrated good results and was accepted by French Ministry of Health.
The theory behind these treatments was the major role of the capillary system in development and recovery of disease. Zalmanov lived a long full life. He died in 1965 in Paris at the age of 90 years."

Here is the formula I use which is based on the ingredients in the Zalmanov bath "white formula," which is recommended for those with low blood pressure. The "yellow formula" is recommended for those with high blood pressure.

1/2 cup Epsom salts
1 tsp turpentine
1 tsp burdock root extract
1/2 tsp eucalyptus, peppermint, geranium, lemon, and balsam fir essential oils.

Enjoy and let me know how it goes if you try it! And if you need personal guidance on your self-healing journey, I'm here to serve.

Aloha and Mabuhay!!!



wow!!! this post is so comprehensive!!! aloha and mabuhay!!!! i really appreciate you taking the time to write and express this pachee. thank you.

Thank you non-capitalizer and joyful user of dots ;) I love how you write. I am so passionate about this topic. And all that you share too. Keep it coming!!!

i tried the zalmanov bath this morning......WOW!!!!!!

truly, so much to glean here. i testify to so much of what you have written. from fasting to the pine oil. so much to glean here!!!!!!! please keep these posts coming!!!!

deep gratitude for all these links and videos. gonna dive in right now!

i love the image and metaphor of the wetlands. our inner terrain modification.

The turpentine protocol keeps popping up in my life recently. It seems as though whatever I start to study, comes back to me five fold. Great post and good info.

Hi there! The videos are down from YouTube? why? any other place to watch them?

Hi there! The videos are down from YouTube? why? any other place to watch them?

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