Stay Clear of Irritants — Warding Off Yeast Infections by Avoiding Irritants
If you are among those who have recurring yeast infections then it is important that you stay clear of irritants that could worsen the situation. According to experts, you ought to consult your physician and confirm whether your skin disorder is an infection caused by yeast.
This infection is generally caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans. The fungus known as Candida lives inside our bodies in its natural form, chiefly in the gastrointestinal tract and the mouth.
When excess yeast is introduced into the system, it tends to multiply and invade tissues, creating an imbalance in pH levels. When this chemical imbalance occurs, Candida thrives resulting in this infection.
Getting proper diagnosis done:
A vaginal infection has more or less the same symptoms as that of bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. These symptoms are also similar to those of Irritant Vaginitis. These symptoms broadly include:
Whitish discharge from the vagina that resembles curd and has an odor;
Burning, itching, and swelling inside the vagina
Pain while urinating and having sexual intercourse.
Certain infections must be necessarily treated by the physician with antibiotics.
Irritant Vaginitis:
This type of infection is not in any way directly related to a yeast infection. The fact is, though that they respond negatively to anti-fungal creams that are used to treat such infections.
The skin may be irritable to sensitive substances such as scented hygiene products, feminine sprays, lubricants, perfumes, spermicides, and douches. It is always wise to stay clear of irritants if found unsuitable to the skin. The area is best protected with a layer of petroleum jelly and avoids the primary source of irritants.
How to prevent Irritant infection:
In certain cases, the antibiotics that are prescribed for bladder infections do trigger an infection of the yeast. If taking antibiotics for such an infection, you should be eating plain yogurt every day. This could help restore the proper pH balance in your body and greatly minimize the infection from recurring.
Some of the preventive measures that help ward off these infections are:
Drink enough quantities of water each day.
You must avoid or reduce the intake of alcohol and caffeine, as both of these irritate the bladder.
You can opt to drink unsweetened cranberry juice, that makes your urine sort of more acidic and helps prevent urinary tract infections.
Avoid consuming refined sugar since it aggravates yeast infections.
Try to reduce stress in your life and increase your resistance power by following a healthy diet and getting adequate rest.
Natural and herbal methods are also adopted by some to cure such infection problems.
Since yeast infections are an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation to be in, it is advisable to stay clear of irritants that cause the infection. You can easily ward off these infections by keeping sensitive substances away.
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Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant, and author of the #1 e-book, “Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life”. Linda has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Linda Allen’s Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Cure yeast infection in 12 hours.