How I beat Cancer without Chemotherapy or other Toxic poisons

in #cancer8 years ago

On the 5th of Jan. 2016 at 3:35pm, I received a phone call that changed my life forever. I had been diagnosed with Melanoma, skin cancer......!

After getting a sunburn the past summer I had developed a tiny area of skin between my shoulder blades that would not heal completely. Not thinking anything of it, I went on with life even visiting South Africa that December and enjoying many a day on the beach. When I returned in December I made an appointment as the spot seemed to be getting bigger and I thought I should get it checked out. I went to my dermatologist and after a quick 10 minute skin sample, I went on my way. I could not believe my ears when my doctor broke the news to me over the phone a few days following. I was the healthiest I'd ever been, or so I thought, cancer only affects sick and weak people, right? Wrong, cancer does not discriminate. I went immediately numb and my whole world stood still for a moment. "I am just starting to work the thing called life out," I thought to myself. "I am too young to die at just 37 years old. I have to see my sons grow up and prepare them for the world," were just some of the thoughts flashing through my mind. That was the moment I decided to take action! I was willing to do anything it took to correct what was wrong with me internally and was not ready to throw in the towel just yet. I contacted a close doctor friend of mine to seek advice and direction. Having a family member who had passed away from cancer, and had followed a conventional treatment plan, I decided to seek a more natural route. I was focusing on healing my body and creating an environment that cancer could not grown in, rather than treating the the symptom. The symptom of a less than optimal environment, in my case, had manifested in the form of Melanoma skin cancer.

So, I immediately started out with my own protocols such as cleaning my liver, detoxing and cutting out any food or fuel that cancer could feed on and adding supplements to my diet. I was then introduced to Dr. Hilu and his team at the Hilu Clinic in Marbella, Spain. I expedited a blood sample over to them for analysis to identify my body's inner environment on a cellular level. Once I received my blood results we were able to determine where and what exactly was wrong and began to correct them through a detailed treatment protocol, which was completely individualized for me. Based on my diagnosis and the aggressive nature of my disease, it was deemed necessary to visit Dr. Hilu to undergo treatment at his clinic. I left for Spain on the 12th of February 2016 to start a two-week treatment plan!

I underwent treatments such as Full Body and Local Hyperthermia, Ozone Therapy, Oxygen Therapy, Papimi Therapy, Biodetox Detoxing, Ion Transfer and Cold Laser Treatment. Here is a detailed description of each. It's a little "sciency" but I wanted to include all the info:

Full Body Hyperthermia-By means of infrared lamps, is used to increased the core body temperature. This induces an "artificial fever" and leads to the activation of the immune system. Immune system activity is enhanced by hyperthermia to mimic the mechanism of fever, which causes the release of immunoregulatory substances (cytokines). Thus, the body attacks cells that are detrimental to health this includes, but is not limited to, cancerous cells. It modulates the immune system to improve detection and elimination of tumor cells.

Deep Local Hyperthermia-Is used to rise the temperature within the tumor, to 41.5-43ºC (105.8-109.4 F), without exceeding the limits of tolerance of surrounding healthy tissues. In fact, temperatures higher than 45 are used for thermal ablation. Local Hyperthermia uses a medical device to deliver hyperthermia therapy to cancerous tumors by using non-ionizing radiofrequency. During treatment, tumor cells that are cancerous are heated to a maximum temperature of 43.5ºC.

The machine also applies a radio frequency of 13.56MHz into tumors. It releases energy to the patient using an energy source and two anatomical antennas with separate cooling, ensuring comfort and adaptability to any body part and patient safety. The antennas are placed directly on the patient in the treatment area. There are two sizes of antennas to maximize efficiency and result. The hyperthermia machine has been designed to provide optimal heat focused on the tumor itself. It deeply injures cancer cells of solid tumors without damaging the healthy tissues, because high temperatures selectively damage cells that are hypoxic and have low pH conditions of tumor cells, but not healthy cells. Deep Local Hyperthermia has been shown to inhibit the cell repair mechanisms, denatured proteins, and inhibits apoptosis induced angiogenesis.

Ozone acts as an antioxidant; immunomodulator (stimulates white blood cells, which increases the body's defenses against external agents such as infections and as a detector of mutagenic cells, which cause cancer or autoimmune diseases); In addition, the level of red blood cells that release oxygen is increased, leading to greater oxygen transport to the cells, improving cellular function and overall circulation. It is also a powerful germicide: eliminates fungi, bacteria and viruses.

These set of benefits make therapeutic applications have a wide range to treat various diseases (from Carcinomas; Cerebral Sclerosis and Parkinson's; to Cystitis, Circulatory Disorders, Liver Cirrhosis, Hepatitis and Gallbladder diseases).Rheumatic diseases in general, polyarthrosis, herniated discs, arthritis, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins are also covered. Gangrene and Diabetic Ulcers; Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Colon, Anal Eczema, Anal Fissures and Fistulas, Hemorrhoids and Genital Infections.

Ozone improves metabolism noticeably. On one hand it improves blood circulation in the affected tissues. Furthermore, the transport of oxygen and therefore the power supply to swollen areas is improved. The immune system is positively stimulated. On top of these effects, in the field of cosmetics, ozone acts as a powerful skin cell activator, and is also used as a potent immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and pain deactivator.

Oxygenation Therapy-By inhaling oxygenation catalysts, such as those that are produced by plants, like oxygen at the time of photosynthesis, the biocatalyst plays a role of "super transmitter" in oxygen metabolism. It is useful for chronic coughing, fatigue, nervousness, forgetfulness, anorexia, bulimia, heart disturbances, cardiovascular problems, circulation, etc.

The cells undergoing biocatalytic oxygenation resist +25% above the normal average. The air around is composed by a 21% of oxygen. When we breathe, air enters the airways to the alveoli, where gas exchange and oxygen from the air diffuses through the blood. In the blood, over 95% of the oxygen attaches to hemoglobin, a major protein in red blood cells, which serves as a transporter. Although it has successfully captured the oxygen, hemoglobin releases the cells under particular conditions (temperature, acidity, content in carbon dioxide) If any of these conditions within tissues changes, hemoglobin will not release the oxygen. Pollution, free radicals, stress, internal contamination (either snuff, alcohol, dyes and preservatives ...) age, sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases, emotional stress, prolonged sun exposure, among other surroundings, affect the level of oxygen in our body.

The deficit of oxygen in tissues can cause a reduction in energy production. The biochemical reactions of assimilation and transformation of nutrients are not completed successfully. Waste poorly eliminated will gradually accumulate toxicity in the body. The brain and the central nervous system, the largest consumers of oxygen, are the first affected. Hence, alarm signals are triggered: chronic fatigue, nervousness, memory lapses...and then all body functions are affected/diminished.

The Papimi-Is a non-invasive electro magnetic device that produces a series of magnetic pulses of strong, but extremely short broadband. A pulsed electromagnetic field emanating flexible papimi conductive hoop, which is placed in the body areas to be treated.

The energy field penetrates deep into the tissues to relieve pain, increase circulation and help the body heal itself by energizing cells. The injured body cells re-energise, pain signals carried by the nervous system decrease, swelling decreases and the range of motion is restored. The toxins are released, and the essential nutrients for the repair process are absorbed.

So how does it work?

The device uses a magnetic field to penetrate the body, passing right through the skin into the affected tissue(s). The magnetic field is there only for a short time, but in great intensity. A magnetic field induced as papimi is able to penetrate most substances.
As the field changes during the pulse ́s brief time-lapse, expanding and collapsing in less than one ten-millionth of a second, it causes a small current that provides bioenergy to the cells.

Biodetox- Micro-Circulation is the flow of blood through the vascular networks. These include arterioles, venules, capilliaries etc. Micro-circulation is responsible for the carrying of oxygen and nutritional matter into our tissues. It is also the means by which waste products are passed out of our tissues (i.e. carbon dioxide, lactic acid and metabolic production). The better the micro-circulation, the more oxygen and nutrients are provided to the body. This accelerates our self-healing mechanisms.

Poor micro-circulation can cause damage, which begins at the molecular level where cells are unable to properly flush normal by-products and toxic pollutants. This clogs up our system. Micro-circulation failure can trigger many illnesses, especially chronic conditions. It can therefore be a cause or contributing factor to some very undesirable health conditions

During a 20-30 minute detoxification foot bath session the color of the water will change along with a change in pH. This indicates the unit is producing an electrical current in the water, and that polarity is being generated by the electrodes in the array. The result is electrolysis and the generation of an electro-magnetic field. Electrolysis causes the precipitation of substances dissolved in the water that have ionic capacity, including those on the skin or in the pores of the feet submerged in the foot bath.

The water, due to its content of ionic salts, becomes magnetized and because the magnetic field is picked up by body fluids, it extends up through the body. The numerous reflex zones in the feet being treated are stimulated by the electro-magnetic energy being generated. As a consequence, stimuli are conveyed to the different organs and bodily systems. The result is a mobilization of residues and waste products, together with a natural stimulation of the organs, is responsible for drainage and elimination of harmful substances from our body.

Ion Transfer-An effective pain control technique especially used for neuralgic pains. Effectiveness can be noticeable only after a few sessions and it regulates the nervous system, helps relieving respiratory diseases and induces activation of the lymphatic system's defenses. It also serves as a great support in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, fibromyalgia and obesity among others.

In recent years, physicists have devised many ways to use the oddities of quantum mechanics to transmit and process information. Health is an important step to use this quantum information: transferring the quantum state of one ion to another. Since ions can store a quantum state for many seconds, this system of "quantum teleportation" could involve enough time to get the equilibrium restored in the nervous system, reduce and eliminate pain along with help in the treatment of many other diseases.

Cold Laser (Don't have a photo of this one unfortunately)
Low-level light is applied directly to the problem area. The tissue then absorbs the light. In a basic sense, this leads to a biological or chemical reaction to red and near infrared light. Damaged cells have a physiological reaction that helps promote their regeneration.

I have since returned from Spain and have had a second biopsy done. This time a much larger area of skin was removed due to the depth and size of my Melanoma.


I am just over a year cancer free and not only that but I feel like a real life Superman! I now coach cancer patients and anyone who is interested in avoiding this disease in the first place. I have sent close to 60+ blood test kits to Spain and helped 10 people get to Spain and to have access to treatments that actually work and restore the body.


Very interesting to learn about all the unconventional things you tried. What do you think was the most effective?

Hyperthermia and Ozone for sure but it's really a systematic approach.

Wow. That is quite a story and I am happy that you are healthy and sharing this information to the world. I am sure a lot of people with cancer would try alternative methods. When I got dengue, I also went for an ozone treatment, and it really helped. Of course, dengue has no comparison with cancer, but I am glad that alternative methods can heal cancer, dengue and much more.

Thanks for reading I have soooo much more content to come and things to share!!

Great. I am following you now, so I hope you can motivate me back into my fit self. =) I am getting married in October. I also have a lot of stories. I am sure you will enjoy reading them. Check out my profile. All the best.

Im jayson .. ihave stage4 cancer

My doctor can help you. Go to let me know if you have questions and I will get you in contact with them.

I use alternative product .. called intra .. visit my profile ..

That is just crazy. Some may call it luck, or some may call it science, but you sir have witnessed a miracle, a life changing miracle. Most people don't heal from this sort of thing, and typically get sicker and sicker. I'm glad to see people fighting cancer without using the big pharma's methods such as toxic pills or chemo. Awesome.

No luck involved here! My Dr. has been healing and curing cancer for over 30 years. He cured his moms ovarian cancer 25 years ago. It's all about correcting imbalances on a cellular level so the body can do the job it was intended to do..........healing itself and thriving!!! Check out more info here as well

Cool, ill check out the website.

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