The consciosuness of cancer-illness, breast-cancer in particular, and how to heal yourself.

in #cancer7 years ago

Disclaimer: what you will read hereinafter is based solely on my observations over the years. I am not representing any school or theory; I am not a medical scientist in the regular meaning of the term. I am not a doctor and I do not have official medical training. I do claim that in many and most cases the following applies. Exercise your own discretion in applying the suggestions i give below.


Credit: pixabay

I once read that Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of two-time American presidential candidate John Edwards, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. Many of the reports mentioned as well the cheating scandal relating to her ex-husband and the separation that followed it.

I always look for the connection between the mental and emotional status of a person and their physical condition. The late Mrs. Edwards' death is a good example although I do not know the details of this situation which may not apply. It doesn’t matter for making the point:

At its roots, cancer is a situation of imbalance. Where normal body cells begin to multiply themselves in an unbalanced way. The body cells begin to act as if they want to burst, expand and erupt. It's like releasing the leash of a mad dog that has been kept in a cage for too long. Get the picture?


Credit: pixabay

What happens inside the body cells

When someone hates themselves, self-abuse themselves, they cause their body cells to stop communicating with each other. It's like us, human beings. When we do not like ourselves, when we self-loathing ourselves, we tend to be introvert, not socializing, stop communicating with our friends and relatives. And what do we do when we stay at home, alone? We think what's wrong with me?

In the same way, our body cells, which stopped communicating with each other, try to figure out what is wrong with them. And with each such "thought" another cell is produced, with the purpose of figuring out what is wrong with it. Time and again. One cell after the another, until the person gets a tumor. The body cells do not know how to stop this reproduction. It's a closed circuit which is not broken until the human stops and hear the answer, of self-healing (see below).

Cancer, like any physical phenomenon, must have its foundation in the mental and emotional realms. It represents an energy that was blocked for too long. That energy can no longer be hidden or restrained and since the human does not allow it to express itself, it finds a way out through physical illness. To be clearer – let's take an example of a woman who suffers in a miserable relationship. She has kids and other obligations so she (thinks that she) can't leave and hence suffer quietly. She knows that her husband cheats on her but she remains silent. She knows that she is not expressing her full capabilities and skills but she doesn't do anything about it and remains quiet. Once in a while, she has a brilliant idea that she wants to manifest but since she doesn't believe she can, she dismisses it and remains quiet. When asked how she is doing, she smiles in a phony way and says that everything is perfect. She was thought that a lady should never express her true feelings to other people and so she suffers quietly. In all this, there are massive quantities of energy - fear, hatred, anger, doubt - that are repressed. A good scream out loud or a proper expression of her needs and wants could have easily released those pent-up energies.

Energy always seeks to express itself. Thoughts and feelings have substance. They are as real as physical actions. People who do not express their feelings and thoughts to their friends, relatives or loved ones on a continuous basis, direct the accumulated energies inward. Accumulated energy is being, well, accumulated, piled up, one portion on top of the other, until you have a mountain of blocked energy within your body. That mountain is the cancerous lump.

Looking at health issues in general

Ask yourself, what do you get when you are sick? What do you have all of a sudden that you didn't have before? Attention! And a lot of it. Cancer, in particular, is associated with the energy of hatred. Mostly to yourself. You simply do not love yourself. And when you have cancer people notice you -"poor her, she has cancer", and you begin to feel the care and the love from other people. What you have not allowed yourself to have in the natural, regular way, you are now creating through the illness, the cancer. Which is hell. It's really a terrible and not necessary method to begin to love yourself.


Credit: pixabay

Why in many cases the lump develops in the breasts?

  • The breasts, to a woman, represent the source of feeding. Through her breasts, she feeds babies and life in general. Therefore, a breast cancer symbolizes her inner perception that her ability to feed the world, to contribute to it, to express within it, has been damaged. Since she has continuously repressed her desires and impulses for expression and creation, those energies find a way to make her aware of that. The remedy here is to express, to act, to do. If you feel something – say it. If you think something – say it. If you have the urge to create something – create it. It is no wonder that many women begin to "live life" right after they are told they got cancer. They no longer restrain themselves – "what do I have to lose?", they justly think – and shamelessly finally begin to express in the outer what they all along have felt inside.

  • Breasts, being the source of nourishing, the giving to others, get the cancerous cells when the flow of giving and taking is becoming unbalanced. Many women take on themselves the issues and troubles of other people, mostly their loved ones, and they falsely think that by doing so they do a good service. Alas, their body develops that cancer to send the simple message, stop taking on yourself other people's problems. You are not doing any good to them and surely not to yourself. And obviously, again, it's a matter of self-love.

Here it's a good point to address cancer that runs in the family. This is a reason/excuse that many people use to explain why they got cancer - "It runs in my family for generations, so what could I do". In these situations, the cancer is here to tell you - leave. It's high time you left that family of yours, mentally/emotionally, disassociated yourself from their issues and problems, and go out on your own path and way in life. It's not easy, especially for women who are used to, as said above, to take care of other loved ones. But this is an imperative step towards healing.

  • The breasts, for many women, represent their femininity. Once they feel that their femininity has been attacked or injured (due to, for instance, a betrayal or "old age"), their repressed thoughts attack the symbol of their femininity. The solution here is again very simple – express. If your husband or boyfriend cheated on you or even if you just think they cheated on you, do not repress your thoughts. Ask them, question them about what you saw/think, and confront them with your doubts. If you feel that your spouse doesn’t find you attractive anymore express that in whichever way that is appropriate for your relationships. Understand that if you think that "you are being silly" or that "your needs are less important" then you only bury within you the energy that wants to come out. If you do that time and again for years and years, the energy will look for ways to come out. It has to come out; it is how things work in nature. Cancer may be one of those ways. So express and then find an assurance for your femininity, from within, not through other men!

How to overcome cancer?

It's so simple and your mind will battle with me. But read this -

  • Begin by giving attention to yourself. Leave aside, even ignore, the care and energy that you receive from others - it's lovely and kind, but it's not really serving you right now - and nourish yourself from your soul self, which is the ultimate source for love. A source you have been ignoring.

  • Then choose health. I know it sounds ridiculous. But it's really that simple. Choosing health means that you know and trust that your own body can heal itself. Speak to your body, command it to serve you, say to it that you believe in its own healing abilities, its knowing to rebalance itself. But you need to be persistent. The moment you resort to other sources, healers, mantras, angels, guides, holy-water, your body will step back and stop the self-healing.

The pursuit of a cure for cancer

There are already cures for cancer. Within the next 15 years cures for the vast majority of cancer types will come to the fore and be known. Why does it take so much time? Because cancer, as an illness, serves a purpose. It plays a part in the evolution of us, humans. It's quite simple, as I described above: when people are ill they begin to look for reasons for their illness and eventually they come to understand the ultimate cause - lack of self-love. This means that the more aware people become, the more self-loving and self-nourishing they become, we become, the readier the consciousness is for the cure.

There are many reasons to be optimistic, right now and for the future.



As I read this, a thought come into my mind "How you see or think of yourself affects your whole system". Actually, I've been struggling to this illness. My physical appearance always matters to me for it really contributes big time to my confidence and sometimes I got insecurities. I also tend to forget to appreciate blessings. But I am happy that the people surrounding me are very helpful and encouraging. I am currently healing for this kind of cancer. Thanks for this post @nomad-magus

Blessings 🙏

Hihi thank you! @nomad-magus

@nomad-magus, I am not entirely sure what I think about what you said in the article. It is well written, and I believe well informed. I would say that I do agree with you on the aspect of self healing by way of expressing yourself. However, I would not want to generalise.

That being said, I have a case in point regarding self healing. I have a friend who has been battling cancer for more than twenty years. He was first diagnosed when he was at university. Having done his stint with chemo, he found himself almost, but not quite in remission. However, in that time of treatment, he met the love of his life. He made a conscious decision then and there that he would not let the cancer ride roughsod over his life. He decided to take control and go on with his life. He got married. He got really sick again. He overcame. He had a child. His son is twelve years old now. Lucas is still fighting. On bad days, he stays in bed. On good days, he lives life to the fullest of his ability. I believe he is keeping the "monster" at bay because he **decided to choose life"".

I reiterate your words:

There are many reasons to be optimistic, right now and for the future.

Keep up your good work. Blessings.

Thanks for this sharing.
The important actions on Lucas's journey are "decided" and "made a conscious decision".
You may want to refer him to this article. He really doesn't need to struggle to realize he deserves to be loved.

Thanks for this @nomad-magus

The solution here is once again very simple - express. If your husband or girlfriend betrays you or even if you think they have betrayed you, do not press your mind. Ask them, ask about what you see / think about, and confront them with your doubts. If you feel that your partner does not feel you are attracting any more, say in whatever way is appropriate for your relationship. Understand that if you think that "you are stupid" or that "your needs are less important" then you just bury in you the energy you want to get out of.

this has happened to me and I go to the road and my own way of life. It's not easy, especially when the hard times have brought me in options and finally I do not want to be a fool and go back on affection to keep the relationship

Be strong, mate 👍

thank you for the support @nomad-magus
now I have returned to Love, Communication, and Relations are 3 things that must be maintained in a bond with a person and family. Communication is the solvent of all problems, then communicate with your partner whenever there is any problem. Communication works seamlessly with one another at a time.

our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are
people who have a positive outlook on life, are optimistic, with healthy personal and social relationships, and have minimal stress are less likely to become sick or diseased.

Choosing health means that you know and trust that your own body can heal itself

totally agreed
this is one of the best post i have been through on the steemit

I think the cancer is related to emotion of the individual like as your explained. I had been read this literature about the problem, and the result is cancer positive gained by negative emotion.

in other literature, cancer wil be cause of the radical cosmic ray through our earth atmosfer. the radical ray can change the chemical reaction in body tissue for produce toxic compound for cell metabolic. in this case, the chemical reaction is very sensitive to light, so when the wavelengh of electromagnetic radiation changed, it can change the chemical reaction occur and produce the cancer cell.

of the light concept, the saintis had been developed the radioterapy methode for healing the cancer cell.

I am sorry about my english is not good(--)

You will find many explanations for cancer-illness. Including mine. You will need to put your own discretion. What resonates with you.

Thanks u sir for u re appreciation... I will do best in next time..

If you combine the science of chemistry with the messages from your spirit you may come up with great revelations.🤞

Okk.. I will....

I couldn't agree more that it is rooted in a lack of Self-Love.
With the overly attachment to physicality, we have this "I am victim to my body" attitude.
Which pretty much is in sync with the growth of cancer in your body, when your own cells declare independence and claim unlimited growth at the cost of its host.

Having said that, I find the growth of global commercialism to be a very pronounced external reflection to the growth of cancer.

Keep it up!

The commercialism is another failed attempt of humanity to find ways to love itself.
Good points. 👍

Many psychoanalysts view cancer as unconscious suicide

I hope my post, as well as many others', will bring this to the light.
People really not need to suffer to know the wisdom of self-love.

Nice post dear, and learn lot of things about cancer, and especially Your explanation is very good, well thanks for sharing with us, Thank You.

When someone hates themselves, self-abuse themselves, they cause their body cells to stop communicating with each other.

I always thought about this horrible decease as a mental instability. Not in way the person is crazy, but in way the person thinks. Most people fear cancer the same way they fear death. You can’t imagine you can have it just like you can’t imagine you can die. You are thinking “It happens, but not to me”. Sad thing about it is, it could happen to anyone, even if it’s not genetic, even if it doesn’t run in your family. You have a great point here. One thing that really caught my eye is when you mentioned the way the cancer gets cured in the next 15 years or so. You mentioned it’s evolution. Isn’t it actually adaptation?

The cures already exist in the laboratories. They will come out once we, humans, are ready for them. I.E., we utilize ways to love ourselves that don't entail harming our bodies with illnesses like cancer.

The disease is strongly influenced by the mindset of the patient. That mindset is what communicates to getting sick or diminished. Medical action when this no longer becomes ungulan, but more advisable treatment of teurapetik (treatment without taking medicine). Restoring rational thought is the most powerful treatment.

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