Talcum Powder Causes Cancer?
We all know cancer has been linked to about a million different things, from hot water bottles left in our cars to too much sugar. It's one of those sicknesses that can take us by surprise in just about any way possible. It's deadly, and so far, incurable. I know this because I lost my mother to ovarian cancer about a year and a half ago. And if there is one thing I learned, it's to try your absolute hardest to maintain a healthy lifestyle and gain the ability to live our lives without fear of one day gaining this disease. It's not just hoping for a cure to be made one day, but it's spreading awareness of the knowledge of what causes it. The answer to that is endless. But today, I want to talk about one avoidable cause in particular. It's called talcum powder, known for it's use in Johnson's Baby Powder.
I first heard about it's cases on facebook, more and more lawsuits have been forming against Johnson's after women have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer from the use of it. And yes readers, my mother used Johnson's baby powder daily.
The substance in particular that causes the sickness is talcum powder. "A cosmetic or toilet preparation consisting of the mineral talc in powdered form, typically perfumed" according to dictionary.com. Talc contains asbestos-like fibers. Asbestos being determined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), as a definite cause of ovarian cancer back in 2011. (info from everydayhealth). Several studies have shown that regular use of talcum powder can increase the risk of ovarian cancer by a THIRD.
What's even more horrifying is that apparently, cosmetic products are not required to undergo FDA approval before being sold in stores. Which is why we still see Johnson's baby powder on shelves today. There isn't even a required warning label or anything. I mean, just the sight of it makes me nauseous now. The lack of knowledge so many of us have of what can cause this deadly disease. Millions of women are putting this substance on their bodies daily, and nobody is doing a thing about it.
Again, my mother used that bay powder every day for years and years. And I'm certain even after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she was STILL using it. None of us had even the slightest idea about it. I just hope to help prevent others from making that same mistake.
I highly recommend googling more in-depth articles about this issue. The information about it is endless. And let's face it, those articles can explain the medical work behind it far better than I ever could.