CANCER ADVICE - If you know anyone who has cancer or has ever had cancer

in #cancer7 years ago


Today, we have almost a 1 in 2 chance of contracting cancer and the risk keeps climbing. So it is very likely we know someone who has had cancer or currently has cancer.
For me, my mother inlaw has cancer. Her cancer is lung stage IV. She was diagnosed almost 5 years ago. She is slowly losing the battle and has not been cured, although she has almost been cured during this time.
Her problem now is that the cancer has spread from the lung, to the rib and now to the breast. All her vital organs are still unaffected.
It is the spread of cancer that I would like to share with you today. The spread of cancer is what endangers us. My father died at the age of 94 and he lived with cancer for the last 7 or 8 years and passed away with double pneumonia which he contracted whilst in hospital for a different situation.


Neither my mother inlaw or father ever had chemo or radiation treatment. Both did have cancer removed by surgery. But what I want to share with you now is a break through I wish I knew years ago. I hope this can help cancer patients and even if I can help just 1 person then my mission will be accomplished.
Fighting cancer is a lifestyle change but stopping the spread of cancer can be boosted by a simple supplement that you probably have never heard of, it is called Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP).


Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an interesting trial (1). This publication is detailed and very convincing with tumors removed, measured and results are clear. They include graphs and hypothesis.

Conclusions: MCP, given orally, inhibits carbohydrate-mediated tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis in vivo,  presumably via its effects on galectin-3 function. These data stress  the importance of dietary carbohydrate compounds as agents for the  prevention and/or treatment of cancer. 

A trial (2) on mice had the following conclusions;

Metastases to lymph nodes and to the liver were present in 100% (nine of  nine) and 60% (six of 10) in control mice, respectively, versus in 25%  (two of eight) and 0% (zero of nine) in the MCP-fed mice. Similar  results were observed in repeat experiments. Daily water intake was  similar in all groups. Animal body weight and overall behavior were  unchanged between the control group and the treated group. 

Even the conservative National Institute of Health website has a glowing report (3) of MCP and I urge you to read the benefits. 

Mice were injected with human metastatic prostate carcinoma cells. After 3 hours, the control group with MCP had virtually no remaining cells that were injected as opposed to the control group without. They used a fluorescent marker and have a great comparison image which they do not allow to be shared without authorization and so I merely link it here but encourage you to view the article and images.


Personally, I buy most of my supplements from iHerb. They are based in the USA but ship to most parts of the world. Whether you have used iHerb before or not, please use my links below and you will save an extra 5% off the already discounted prices. iHerb have great shipping rates to most parts of the world.


This is my first foray into steemit and I would love to know if the community is interested in cancer or could not be bothered about cancer?

The best way to let me know is to upvote, follow and/or repost my steemit blog.

I am passionate about learning more about the human body and disease. I believe strongly that our bodies have allowed disease to develop and it can also disallow disease within our body.

Whilst none of what I tell you can be construed as medical advice, I would strong urge you to seek medical advice if you need professional assistance in determining what is best for your body.

Finally, thank you for taking the time to read this post. Your time is important to me and I will always try to provide succinct and informative articles.



A cutting out sugar and limiting carb intake is HUGE in fighting cancer. Glucose is the ONLY fuel source cancer cells can use to grow so if you limit the intake, you essentially starve those cancer cells.

Glucose is also the only food that can cross the blood brain barrier, so if you cut it out you'll end up in a coma!
The key is to only eat foods which release sugars slowly i.e whole fruit rather than cakes, sweets and juice. So, not all sugars are created equally and you can't cut them all out.
Some people claim to have cured their own cancer by drinking organic grape juice all day and having only one meal per day. This involves consuming a lot of fructose but maybe the juice contains cancer busting compounds that negate all the sugar-who knows?!

Yeah I might have not worded correctly, not cut out ALL glucose lol. Just limiting the excess carbs that many ppl eat daily. And the large amounts of unnatural forms of sugar in candy and snacks that many people indulge in.

It is the fibre in the fruit that reduces the speed of glucose absorption into the blood stream.
When my mother inlaw quit rice/bread/sugar, her tumors started to fade and break up in the xrays.
This was starving the cancer. She had mainly vegetables and some low sugar fruits. So papaya, green apples and some berries etc were ok...
This sugar restriction with regular exercise (pumps oxygen through the body via the blood) with no meat or dairy really made a difference.
I would also add that state of mind is very important for any cancer patient. It is the state of mind, most importantly the positive state of mind that causes the placebo effect when people gain remission from consuming a small sugar pill...
As for grape juice.. Resveratrol is in the skins of grapes and i suspect this helps cancer patients. Although, I would think eating the grape would be better than drinking the juice...
and I would not recommend any sweet fruits for anyone in a late stage cancer. I think fruits are good for early stage cancers as they have so many compounds that fight cancer and repair cells etc.
Finally... natural glucose is easily digested and assimilated by the body. Fructose on the other hand is very dangerous to our liver... and we would do well to avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup or poison as I prefer to call it.

Don't even start me on high fructose corn syrup or glucose-fructose syrup! It's spread into food products is insidious. I've read food labels for years and it has slowly crept into everything.
I know glucose is fine, it doesn't even make people fat it just makes their liver larger.
Your mother in law is smart. I have two friends who recently lost people to cancer and they all just blindly followed the chemo route, went into remission for a few years, then wham! Bone and brain tumours and death.

Absolutely Chris. 100% agree. I can write a lot on diet. This was my first post apart from my introduction post.

As I mentioned, it is a lifestyle change that is required.

Thanks for your input

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