An Introduction
Why is this man smiling?
Hello there. My name is Happy Keller. If you have found your way here, you must be very bored. I am creating this blog because I recently discovered a new-found desire to express myself after being a guest on the Matt Chat YouTube channel. Up until that day, I hadn't said too much to anybody about anything for a very long time. The purging that took place during the video made me want to express myself more while I still have the ability to do so. What will follow over the course of the next days / weeks / months will be a mixture of daily diaries, remembrances, and just plain rants. Some will be short, while others will (hopefully) be long-winded.
Today, since this is my first post, I am just going to start with a few declarative statements about myself:
- I was born in San Jose, California
- I have one brother who is (by far) the more talented between us
- I have been married twice (both marriages failed because I was one half of each one of them), and I have no children
- I am Bipolar
- I have Glioblastoma
I think that is enough for today...except for sharing what the above photo is all about - this photo with my favorite rodent (and his bride) was taken during what will be my final visit to Walt Disney World from July 2019. I had lost my job the previous week, and was in the midst of losing my second wife whom I was with, dating plus marriage, for almost 25 years. I was trying to escape all of that with an ill-conceived and ill-timed visit to WDW...although I have tried to do so many times during my lifetime, what always ends up happening is that I get brutally reminded of one thing -
There Is No Escape
I'm sure I will go more in-depth into my declarative statements above at some point...just not today.