What’s the real meaning of freedom if it isn’t cultural freedom?

in #canada3 years ago


The great majority of our Canadian people are concerned to live their ordinary lives, raise their children and enjoy the old customs in peace and I’m not blaming them one single bit because I’m one of them. Having a job that pays the bills and weekends off to play, to enjoy their friends, to watch Hockey Night in Canada and American crime shows on TV, to be left in peace, that’s what people care about. To be assured that Canada is America only better, cleaner and nicer, that’s what people want. Why wouldn’t we? Who doesn’t want life to be normal? What’s the real meaning of freedom if it isn’t cultural freedom? To be among people who dress like you, talk like you, enjoy the same things as you – that’s what people care about. Why wouldn’t we? Every few years we vote for that assurance to be again confirmed and for politicians to be then put back into the parliamentary display case where they belong. We act this way because we are still an independent, proud people who earn their own way because that’s what an adult does in the Canada we love.

But a new spirit is growing among our natural ruling class, the tight little clubs of people who captain our industries, own our media, endow universities and fund the careers of our parliamentary representatives. This new spirit hates our common traditional customs and is determined to make us into something we never were according to a new technocratic totalitarian plan that has become the fashion among those of our political elite who derive their power from greater and richer associations outside our country.

Previous generations of this class of people used to stay out of the popular limelight so as to run things without interference. But they were most effectively obscured by an image that the common public had of them, the appearance, and personal culture, of a modest tweedy-looking conservatism best described by the original preamble to our first constitution, the British North America Act of 1867. They were bastards but they were OUR bastards.

What was Canada as they saw it? “Peace, Order and Good Government” was the watch-word. They used to call Toronto “Toronto the Good” because of the staid spirit of conservatism that defined the ruling classes. When I was a teen I laughed at them. I was so smart. I was so young and hip. I helped to abolish the Canada of staid, tweedy parochialism by laughing at it along with my 'counter-culture' friends.

We triumphed, we smart ultra-liberal youngsters. Pot is now legal and as for sexual mores there is so much licence the very identity of male and female is now officially dissolving. But triumph and tragedy go together. We should have been more careful what we were wishing for. We laughed “Peace, Order and Good Government" into the dusty grave of Canadian History packed into the most unused shelves of university libraries.

Who is on top now? The forty-and-fifty-something whipper-snappers of the Prime Minister's Office. They are all Trudeau Liberals and Internationalists. Talk about Young and Hip? They are so hip they are determined to level Old Canada to the ground and then go on to blast the very foundation of our national identity into deepest oblivion. They don’t even know how to stop corroding our country.

I hated and ridiculed the tweedy oldsters of the 1950s. This new generation at the top are true descendants of us hipsters; they hate everything about Canada that has anything to do with our past, including the common values of our common people, those who loved their parents and grandparents and still do. Most of all they hate Christianity. And in that they reflect what used to be the rebellious attitude we young Pierre Trudeau kids used to have and still cling to even today. Among the oldsters I know there isn’t one that wouldn’t laugh at me if I said I am a Christian. Our corrosive hate for everything old is now corroding our lives too because now we are old.

Among the new generation that staffs the Prime Minister’s Office a new word is current. That word is “Hate”. The word is undefined so as to make it a more useful weapon for repressing, vilifying and stamping out any unconformity to the grand “Liberal” plan. The Chief Justice of our Canadian Supreme Court was recently asked if truthful statements are legally exempt from liability and he said that truthful statements are vulnerable to prosecution if they “contain hate”. So much for our court system as a defender of our Common Law freedoms! A man has been jailed because he publicly voiced his objection to his 14 year old daughter being given sex change hormones that he was officially informed would harm her health and sterilize her for life. Expressing his opinion was “hate” in the new Justin Trudeau “Liberal” Canada.

I grew up thinking that “liberal” means free, that freedom means tolerance of contrary opinion. But now tolerance is not “liberal” and neither is freedom. Instead of the Canada I grew up in there is the appearance of Old Canada being painted onto a social experiment in how far our people can be utterly changed by top-down design without being aware of it.

And what is the latest magic potion to accelerate this transformation? The “Pandemic” ordered by the global elite that has our little Canadian elite in its grasp. We are locked down, forbidden to work and live as we wish, commanded to wear muzzles over our noses and mouths and to hope for permission to breath freely as we did once. The Pandemic has been seized as an opportunity to condition our people like Pavlov’s dogs to happy caged life as laboratory animals and woe betide anybody who objects. Trudeau has funded his new “Canadian Anti-Hate Network” of paid hacks to attack anyone who objects to being experimented upon by the crusaders of The Great Reset.

There’s no way to stop the Revolution, it seems. Look at the latest Bill to be proposed in our federal parliament by New Democratic Party member Leah Gazon, Bill C-223:

3 (1) The Minister must develop a national framework for the implementation of a guaranteed livable basic income program throughout Canada for any person over the age of 17, including temporary workers, permanent residents and refugee claimants.

I am certain that all the elderly hipsters I know would consider this bill to be the very thing we always needed. They have actually told me a Universal Basic Income would be a wonderful thing. But what would it mean in practice?

Every Canadian who reaches the age of 18 would be registered on a database as an adult with the right to have a basic income given to them upon their request by the government whether they work at a job or not. Included in this happy situation will be people who are not even citizens of Canada. So a young adult entering the foundational years, their roaring twenties, will be basically in the same situation as myself. I’m living on the old age pensions and discounts I get from the government because I’m almost 75. And I’m not saying that’s wrong. A society that casts its old people out to die in homeless poverty is a barbaric society.

But what kind of society is it that invites its vigorous and productive young people to retire on the dole? Isn’t there any thought for what sort of consequences that will have for our future as a nation? What do you have when every person on Canadian soil is potentially a caged pet of the government? What would citizenship mean besides nothing at all. And what would adulthood mean? What would the word ‘responsibility' even refer to? What would be said of people who earn their own money, that they are fools?

Would people even have their own money? Where would the money come from which the government wishes to dole out to people as a reward for not working? As a reward for not being a self-reliant tax paying citizen? As a reward for not living life? Not marrying, not raising kids, not building a future for themselves? What would happen to such a society as this? It would be a society of slaves ruled by people who have lost contact with reality.

“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
– George Orwell, 1984

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